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Better so; better that you should take the matter into your own hands and face the music, than to employ tools, as you have done heretofore. I can fight a dozen enemies face to face better than one or two lurking in the bushes." The elder Filmore uttered a savage curse. "You triumph now!" he growled, biting his nether lip in vexation; "but it will not always be thus." "Eh? think not?

"Alexander Filmore, you here!" he ejaculated, his voice betraying his surprise. "Yes," replied the elder Filmore, coldly "here to shoot you, you dastardly dog," and quickly raising a pistol, he took rapid and deadly aim, and fired. With a groan Deadwood Dick fell to the ground, blood spurting from a wound in his breast. The bullet of the elder Filmore had indeed struck home.

Filmore was waiting for him, and that my father hurried out of the room. No, it was not a dream; was it the thought was full of tremulous exultation was it the poet's nature in me, hitherto only a troubled yearning sensibility, now manifesting itself suddenly as spontaneous creation?

No sooner was the ball in motion than Gridley's line bore down upon the enemy. So determined was the assault that Filmore found itself obliged to give ground, stubbornly, for a while. Yet Captain Pike's men were not made of stuff that is easily whipped. After the first five minutes Pike's men got the ball and began to drive it a few yards, and then a few yards more, over into Gridley's territory.

My brother-in-law will come to-morrow. I have no doubt that he will be much pleased with the portrait. Filmore Durand smiled indifferently but with politeness as he bowed over the Marchesa's hand. He did not care a straw whether Angela's father liked the picture or not, being in love with it himself, and much more anxious to keep it than to be paid for it.

It was given the name of Utah, and Filmore, the President of the United States, appointed Brigham Young as governor. The latter, however, desired to become completely autonomous. He was soon in conflict with those under him, and his open hostility to the American constitution caused him to be deposed.

Filmore was massing all its weight, wind and brawn, and Gridley lost the ball on downs. An involuntary groan went up from the Gridley spectators. Five and a half minutes left, and the ball in the enemy's hands! That settled the game. The musicians looked at their leader, before taking the music from their instrument racks. "Keep your music on," called the leader.

Dick and his men rode rapidly down the canyon, the two prisoners bringing up the rear under the escort of two masked guards. These guards were brothers and Spanish-Mexicans at that. The elder Filmore, a keen student of character, was not long in making out these Spaniards' true character, nor did their greedy glances toward his and his son's diamonds escape him.

I'll hold my six against his pulsometer. If he squawks, I'll silence him, sure as there is virtue in powder and ball!" The elder, after some deliberation, acquiesced, and Dick was placed in possession of his speaking power, while the muzzle of young Filmore's revolver pressed against his breast, warned him to silence and obedience. "Now," said the elder Filmore, "just you keep mum.

Filmore doesn't care a snap whether you come or not," persisted Judith with flaming cheeks. She was making a fight for her old-time sunny Miss Pat against this careless devotee of Rosamond Merton's, but she had not counted on the days of intimate companionship with the alluring Rosamond which had been Miss Pat's in the past fortnight of illness and convalescence. Patricia was silent.