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Dick and his men rode rapidly down the canyon, the two prisoners bringing up the rear under the escort of two masked guards. These guards were brothers and Spanish-Mexicans at that. The elder Filmore, a keen student of character, was not long in making out these Spaniards' true character, nor did their greedy glances toward his and his son's diamonds escape him.

Along the Upper Road from Quien Sabe and Guadalajara came fresh auxiliaries, Spanish-Mexicans from the town itself, swarthy young men on capering horses, dark-eyed girls and matrons, in red and black and yellow, more Portuguese in brand-new overalls, smoking long thin cigars. Even Father Sarria appeared. "Look," said Presley, "there goes Annixter and Hilma. He's got his buckskin back."

At Solotari's, the restaurant on the Plaza, diagonally across from the hotel, Presley ate his long-deferred Mexican dinner an omelette in Spanish-Mexican style, frijoles and tortillas, a salad, and a glass of white wine. These Spanish-Mexicans, decayed, picturesque, vicious, and romantic, never failed to interest Presley.

A little after half-past seven, the first carry-all, bearing the druggist of Bonneville and his women-folk, arrived in front of the new barn. Immediately afterward an express wagon loaded down with a swarming family of Spanish-Mexicans, gorgeous in red and yellow colours, followed.