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Pero mentiría y erraría quién dijera que aún en aquel tiempo la voz de Rizal no representaba la causa de toda su raza y porque él y los que con él trabajaban eran muy pocos, no debia prestarse atención a sus demandas.

Then the guitar vibrated under the touch of master fingers, and a rich sweet tenor sang to her: "El corazon del amor palpita, Al oir de tu dulce voz, Cuando mi sangre Se pone en agitación, Tu eres la mas hermosa, Tu eres la luz del dia, Tu eres la gloria mia, Tu eres mi dulce bien.

Previous to my connection with the Revista Nueva, I had contributed articles to El Liberal, El Pais, El Globo, La Justicia, and La Voz de Guipuzcoa, as well as to other publications. A year after my contributions to the Revista Nueva, I brought out Sombre Lives, which scarcely sold one hundred copies, and, then, a little later, The House of Aizgorri, the sale of which fell short of fifty.

It took much entreaty on the part of Andrew and much weeping and kissing on the part of Wilhelmina to move the heart of the terrified Gottlieb. At last he got into the skiff and allowed himself to be rowed back again, declaring all the way that he nebber zee no zich a vree koontry ash dish voz already.

My father was a contributor to the Voz de Guipuzcoa of San Sebastian, so he always received the paper. One day I read or it may have been one of the family that the post of official physician was vacant in the town of Cestona. I decided to apply for the place, and dispatched a letter accompanied by a copy of my diploma.

Luis de Leon en su celda, que habia venido á sus manos un libro estrañamente curioso, el cual le habia dado Arias Montano... y que en el principio del libro contaba una revelacion que habia tenido el que lo compuso, estando de noche orando, que vió en la oscuridad una luz, y que della oyó que salia una voz que dijo: Quomodò obscuratum est aurum, mutatus est color optimus! y que temiéndose este declarante no fuese algun mal libro, le habia mucha instancia que le dijese si habia en él alguna herejía, y que el dicho Fr.

In the middle of the courtyard two Eastern women in the domestic act of disembowelling a kid looked up lazily, and one smiling, pointed to the upper storey of the house, through the small windows of which came the sound of stringed instruments, and seeing that the stranger did not understand, explained her gesture in broken French: "Au premiez étase voz amieze les anglaiseez."

The older Wehle presently resumed his English, such as it was, as better adapted to scolding. Whether he thought to make his children love German by abusing them in English, I do not know, but it was his habit. "I dells you tese Yangees is Yangees. Dere neber voz put shust von cood vor zompin. Antrew Antershon is von.

Ella tiene su propia personalidad y debe dársela, como al hombre, la libertad necesaria para que pueda desarrollarla, tener voz decisiva en sus intereses y destinos, tomar por su cuenta los riesgos de la vida, hacer sus propias aventuras, experimentos y descubrimientos en vez de que el hombre la fije invariablemente la pauta de conducta y le imponga el molde en que debe trabajar.

Johnny looked up from his roller with his bright, affable smile. "SI, but it is low for you, I think; VOZ CONTRALTO. It is low for me." "Nonsense. I can do more with my low voice than I used to. I'll show you. Sit down and write it out for me, please." Thea beckoned him with the short yellow pencil tied to his order-book. Johnny ran his fingers through his curly black hair. "If you wish.