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Updated: August 6, 2024

So we came to Prince's, and drew up before the porte-cochere, and found ourselves confronting an adventure. There was a crowd before the place, a surging throng half-way down the block, with a whole line of policemen to hold them back. Over the heads of the crowd were transparencies, frame boxes with canvas on, and lights inside, and words painted on them. "Hello!" cried T-S. "Vot's dis?"

He has small, shiny eyes, he speaks atrocious English, he is as devoid of culture as a hairy Ainu, and he smells money and goes after it like a hog into a swill-trough. "Hello, everybody! Madame, vere's de old voman? "She ees being dressed " "Vell, speed her up! I got no time. I got Jesus Christ!" "Yes, exactly," said Mary Magna. The great man of the pictures stood rooted to the spot. "Vot's dis?

"Hans Mueller, are you prepared to meet your doom"? was the question put, in a deep bass voice. "Doom? Vot's dot?" asked the German boy, slightly frightened. "Are you prepared to die?" "Die? Not by a jugful I ain't. You let me go!" "Are you prepared to become a full-fledged member of the Order of Black Skulls." "Not much, I ton't belong to noddings," gasped Hans.

She tossed her head sharply. "Friends!" she exclaimed. "Mother of God! Would you walk about with your knives for ever? When every day other men are taken, can you ask to go free? Am I the wife of the Intendente?" "No, nod the vife!" barked the stout man violently. "But if you gan't tell us noding better than to stop for der police to dake us, vot's der good of you?"

Some joke you people playin' on me?" He shot a suspicious glance from one to another of us. "No," said Mary, "he's real. Honest to God!" "Oh! You bring him for an engagement. Vell, I don't do no business outside my office. Send him to see Lipsky in de mornin'." "He hasn't asked for an engagement," said Mary. "Oh, he ain't. Vell, vot's he hangin' about for? Been gittin' a permanent vave?

Vot's dat?" clamored the Professor from the fork of the trail and Bunker gave Denver the wink. "Aw, that ain't copper," he declared, "it's just this green hornblende. We have it around here everywhere." "All right", answered Denver, "you can have it your own way but I call it copper, myself."

So saying, the tinker slid his panniers on the ground, gave a grunt of release and satisfaction, and seated himself with great composure on the stile from which Leonard had retreated. "But, dash my wig," resumed Mr. Sprott, as he once more surveyed Leonard, "vy, you bees a rale gentleman, now, surely! Vot's the dodge, eh?" "Dodge!" repeated Leonard, mechanically, "I don't understand you."

"Forget your grub for a moment, I have something to say. Here's a man with a heart full of love for other people while you and I are just trying to see what we can get out of them! A man who really has a religion and you're trying to turn him into a movie doll! Try to get it through your skull, Abey!" The great man's eyes were wide open. "Holy smoke, Mary! Vot's got into you?"

Vot's more, they must come as far as this passage or else drownd theirselves in the River, vich vould save a lot o' trouble and expense, and s-sh!" He broke off abruptly and rose to his feet, and Barnahas saw that he held the brass-bound pistol in his hand.

However, better late than be a miss vot's like a bird in der hand," and with a shrug of his shoulders and a last wink at the newsboy, Mr. Switzer went out to the waiting train with the others.

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