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A little later, in the automobile that whirled him and Epstein out to the wedding-reception at Devon House, Rodney Bangs briefly developed the wedding theme. "I suppose the reason why women cry at weddings and men feel glum is that they know what the bride's in for," he remarked, gloomily. Epstein grunted. "You an' me is bachelors," he reminded the momentarily cynical youth. "Ve should vorry!"

I DO feel grateful that you are willing to show me but I I well, I am troubled to-night about something, and I can't control myself. To-morrow night I'll be braver, and will help you. Please don't feel hurt if I leave you now." "Ah, mine leedle girl, learn vrom der schtars dot der great laws moost be opeyed, und don't you vorry und vret ober vat you gannot help.

And the leaves'll keep a-fluttering over 'im, and the birds'll keep a-singing to 'im, oh, Number Three'll be comfortable enough, 'e von't 'ave to vorry about nothink no more, it'll be Number Vun and Number Two as'll do the vorrying, and me till I gets my 'ooks on 'em, and then " "But," said Barnabas earnestly, "why not try to prevent it?" "Prewent it, sir?" said Mr.

"The reason I'm putting you on the first watch is because you're such a sleepyhead." "Don'd vorry aboud me," said Carl, with a yawn. "I pet you I vas der sleepinglessness feller in der whole bunch. If he gets avay on my vatch it vill not be pecause I don'd sleep." "I guess you mean all right, but I swear I can't understand you. Only keep awake." "Oh, yah; I avake keeping all der time."

"Veil, you not vorry, boy; you voud be no good on ze war-sheep. But now you come wis me to ze Capitaine bring ze olif."

In fact, Tom, for the moment, feared that it was all over. But good old Dr. Kurtz, noting the look on the lad's face, said: "Ach, Dom, doan't vorry! Maybe it vill yet all be vell, und der vater vill hear of der great race. Bluck up your courage, und doan't gif up. Der greatest surgeon in der vorld is here now, und if anybody gan safe your vater, Herr Hendriz gan.

"Vell, I vos going to toldt him dot shust der same. Uf he don'd peen aroundt here der next dime, I don'd know der kindt uv a feller vot he vos peen yet avile." "Well, don't mention that I said anything. He might fancy I thought him afraid to come round." "I don'd call your name at all, don'd you let me vorry apout dot."

That wedding-cake took the tart away from anything I've ever seen. Which of the four hundred's going to eat it?" "De man vot ordered dot cake," Munsberg swaggered, "he's not got to vorry along on vun million nor two. He owns de biggest brewery in New York, I guess in America. He's Schwartz of Schwartz & Kapfer." "Well, he 's got it to burn!" said Tembarom.

Now their windictiveness, or as you might say, 'uman natur', generally takes the shape of chimbley-pots and brick-ends, though I 'ave met windictiveness in the form o' b'iling vater and flat-irons, not to mention saucepans an' sich, afore now, and vunce a arm-cheer, all of vich is apt to vorry you a bit until you gets used to it.

Barty, sir," said that worthy, glancing up and down the street with a pair of mild, round eyes, "you can burn my neck if I wasn't beginning to vorry about you, up theer all alone vith that 'ere child o' mine. For, sir, of all the Capital coves as ever I see, 'e's vun o' the werry capital-est." "Why," exclaimed Barnabas, starting, "is that you, Mr. Shrig?" "As ever vas, sir.