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Then we will unwind the strands of that. There are five or six large strands as far as I can feel; we will cut them up into lengths of about a couple of feet and we ought to be able to tie these to the rope in such a way as not to slip down with our weight. If we tie them four feet apart we can go up step by step; I don't see much difficulty about that."

At length the hurricane calmed down just as they were in the open, and although the sea was still high the captain gave orders to cast the net. So it was lifted overboard, and two men in the bows and two in the stern began to unwind the ropes that held it.

All this Richter realized only too painfully; but, uttering an inward prayer, he raised his rifle with a nerve that knew no faltering or fear, holding it pointed until the critical moment should arrive. That moment would be when the string was wound up, and was turning, to unwind. Then, as it was almost stationary, he fired.

It never notices that the reason why the rope does not unwind easily is because one strand is a world too large and another a world too small, and so it sticks where it ought to roll, and rolls where it ought to stick.

"It matters very little where he is so long as he is a gentleman," returned the old lady, so sharply that Mitty began to unwind the worsted rapidly. "Nonsense, Molly," protested the Major, irritably, for he could not stand opposition upon his own hearth-rug. "The boy couldn't be hurt by sitting in the same class with the devil himself nor could Champe, for that matter.

Sewell was at last obliged by main force to drag his sister away in the middle of a sentence. Miss Emily watched her brother shrewdly all the way home, but all traces of any uncommon feeling had passed away; and yet, with the restlessness of female curiosity, she felt quite sure that she had laid hold of the end of some skein of mystery, could she only find skill enough to unwind it.

She turned to the tablecloth-press and began to unwind it in silence. Mrs. Peck sniffed, and took up the soup-tureen. As she waddled out of the kitchen Columbine withdrew the parlour tablecloth and turned round. "If you're really sorry," she said, "I'll forgive you." Rufus regarded her for several seconds in silence, a slow smile dawning in his eyes. "Thank you," he said finally.

Frantic appeals for help were made to the government, but before the ponderous machinery of state, with its intricate and complicated wheels within wheels, could unwind a sufficient quantity of red tape the work of the pioneer citizens would be past saving.

Her first thought was, how cheerless he would feel in the wide darkness of this great room, with one little oil-lamp burning at the further end, and the fire nearly out. She almost ran towards him. "Tito, dearest, I did not know you would come so soon," she said, nervously, putting up her white arms to unwind his becchetto.

The poor thing was frightened nearly to death at sight of the Witch Finder, and when he began slowly to unwind his ball of cotton thread and chant his monotonous funeral song, she screamed in terror. At a signal from the "Witch Finder," Aunt Charity was dragged into the ring, her hands tied behind her. The sight of such brutality was too much for the child, and she promptly had another fit.