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Moral pressure might be carried so far in an aggravated case, as to cause the culprit to resign his commission. Concerning this society, see a series of feuilletons in the Moniteur Universel, Nov. 25th to 30th, 1864 by Gen. Ambert; also Encyclopedie methodique, Art militaire. When discipline was relaxed, the Calotte assumed too great powers.

Maurice had seemed indifferent and less cordial than usual. "What is the matter with him?" said the poet to himself several times, while dining in the little restaurant in the Latin Quarter. He afterward went to the Comedie Francaise, to kill time, as well as to inquire after his drama of Jocquelet, who played that evening in 'Le Legataire Universel'.

Harte tells me that you have grown very much since your illness: if you get up to five feet ten, or even nine inches, your figure will, probably, be a good one; and if well dressed and genteel, will probably please; which is a much greater advantage to a man than people commonly think. Lord Bacon calls it a letter of recommendation. I would wish you to be an omnis homo, l'homme universel.

Il n'y a pas de sociologie" ... And again, in the same preface to La Vie Litteraire: "Pour fonder la critique, on parle de tradition et de consentement universel. Il n'y en a pas. L'opinion presque general, il est vrai, favorise certains oeuvres. Mais c'est en vertu d'un prejuge, et nullement par choix et par effet d'une preference spontane.

It was the commissionnaire at the Cafe Universel. "It is quite right," I told the porter. "You had better come up to my rooms," I added, turning to Fritz. I led the way to the lift and on to my sitting-room. There I turned up the electric lights and threw myself into an easy-chair. "Well, Fritz," said I, "I hope that you have brought me some news."

I think I could bring him down with a copy of Sainte-Beuve or the Dictionnaire Universel, if I had it. These small Balzac books somehow do not quite fit my hand; but I shall fetch him yet. I've an idea that Watkins is tapping the old gentleman's Chateau Yquem. Duplicate key of the wine-cellar. Hibernian swarries in the front basement. Young Cheops up stairs, snug in his cerements.

Saint Lambert formulated his atheism afterwards in the Catéchisme Universel. Madame d'Epinay's Mém., i. 443. Corr., i. 317. Sept. 14, 1756. Letter to Madame de Créqui, 1752. Corr., i. 171. Conf,., vii. 104. The Devin du Village was played at Fontainebleau on October 18, 1752, and at the Opera in Paris in March 1753. Madame de Pompadour took a part in it in a private performance.

The manifold disguises and impersonations of the two partners when seeking to outwit each other are as well-motived and as fertile in comic effect as any of the attempts of Crispin or of some other of Regnard's interchangeable valets. Is not even the Légataire Universel, Regnard's masterpiece, overrated?

Maurice had seemed indifferent and less cordial than usual. "What is the matter with him?" said the poet to himself several times, while dining in the little restaurant in the Latin Quarter. He afterward went to the Comedie Francaise, to kill time, as well as to inquire after his drama of Jocquelet, who played that evening in 'Le Legataire Universel'.

From my original plan for your education, I meant to make you 'un homme universel'; what depends on me is executed, the little that remains undone depends singly upon you. Do not then disappoint, when you can so easily gratify me. It is your own interest which I am pressing you to pursue, and it is the only return that I desire for all the care and affection of, Yours. LONDON, May 31, O. S. 1752