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"Nell, what's come off now?" asked Belding. "I'm not going to tell you," she replied, and started away, leading Jose toward the corral. Belding leisurely followed. She went into the corral, removed Jose's bridle, and led him to the watering-trough. Belding came up, and without saying anything began to unbuckle Jose's saddle girths. But he ventured a look at Nell.

It was a woman's voice that answered, and he recognized it. "If you'll unbuckle the straps I can get up." The hundred pounds rolled into the mud with a soggy noise, and he slowly gained his feet. "A pretty predicament," Miss Gastell laughed, at sight of his mud- covered face. "Not at all," he replied airily. "My favourite physical exercise stunt. Try it some time.

"Take your hand away from the butt of your pistol," came Tom's next command. Something in the look of the young engineer's eyes compelled the angry cook to obey. "Now, unbuckle your belt and hand it to me, revolver and all." "I'll " Leon flared up, but Tom interrupted him. "Exactly, my friend. You'll be very wise if you do, and very sorry if you don't!" White with rage Leon unbuckled his belt.

Then there is no learning what Father Eustace thinks till you confess your own difficulties No hint will bring forth his opinion he is like a miser, who will not unbuckle his purse to bestow a farthing, until the wretch who needs it has owned his excess of poverty, and wrung out the boon by importunity.

"Now, Oswald, unbuckle my harness. Your mother will bandage up my arm and head, and Elspeth shall bring up a full tankard from below, for each of us. A draught of beer will do as much good as all the salves and medicaments. "Do you take the first drink, Jock Samlen, and then go up to the watchtower. I see the men have been posted in the wall turrets. One of them shall relieve you, shortly."

Bailey insisted that he lie down, and she spread a blanket on her own white bed. Pete did not want to lie down. But Mrs. Bailey insisted, helping him to unbuckle his chaps and even to pull off his boots. The bed felt soft and comfortable to his aching body. The room was darkened. Mrs. Bailey tiptoed through the doorway.

He looked out through the port and saw the two Federation cruisers closing in on the Connie. Apparently the Connie commander had agreed to let the cruisers come alongside. The ball-bat blasted to the Aquila, paused at an open port, then slid inside. The valve was shut before Rip could unbuckle his harness. Air flooded into the chamber and the lights flicked on.

"Up here?" he asked in dismay. "I know awful dangerous. But we've got to risk something. Lost if we don't." "All right, I'll try." He began cautiously to unbuckle his harness. Scarcely had he loosened two of the three straps which held him in place when the plane gave a sudden lurch. Having struck a pocket, it dropped like an elevator cage released from its cable, straight down.

I don't fight with boys," he snarled, "So?" Bucky moved forward with the curious lightness of a man spring-footed. His gaze held the other's shifting eyes as he plucked the knife from his opponent's hand. "Unbuckle that belt," he ordered. All said, the eye is a prince of weapons. It is a moral force more potent than the physical, and by it men may measure strength to a certainty.

To a brave man, bravery is above all the cardinal virtue. Charles turned toward his courtiers and continued: "There is one man who does not fear me man, say I? He is little more than a boy. Men of Burgundy, take a lesson from this youth, and bear it in mind when we go to war." The duke began to unbuckle his shirt of mail, speaking as he did so: "I'll soon learn who has lied.