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'At least that is pretty well, ma'am. 'Most strangers and partick'larly Britishers are much surprised by what they see in the U-nited States, remarked Mrs Hominy. 'They have excellent reason to be so, ma'am, said Martin. 'I never was so much surprised in all my life. 'Our institutions make our people smart much, sir, Mrs Hominy remarked.

"I dozn't keer a tinker's baad 'apenny whether tha knaw 'ow to 'rite tha mizchief or to read it, or whether king o' England is eatin' 'umble pie to the U-nited States top man, or noa, I keerz nawt aboot it, noben way or t'other. My boys 'as got to laarn draawin' crops out o' fields, an' my gels must put 'and to milkin' and skimmin' cream an' makin' foinest butter as iver went to market.

But it 'ad to be yours or mine, and sir, axing your pardon, but there's a good many 'ats to be 'ad in London jest as good as yourn, for them as can afford 'em, but theer ain't another castor like mine no, not in the U-nited Kingdom." "Very true," nodded Barnabas, "and no hat ever could have had a more useful end, than mine." "V'y yes, sir better your castor than your sconce any day," said Mr.

When we get along to my own company's bit of trench I'll tell you, and you can take some snaps when I'm not looking at you. Just tip the wink to any men about and they'll be quite pleased to pose or anything you like." "Loo-tenant," said Sergeant Rawbon earnestly, "you're doin' this thing real handsome, and I won't forget it. If ever you hit the U-nited States "

Neutrals, he said we was, benevolent neutrals, an' he wasn't goin' to have a son o' his steppin' outside the ring-fence o' the U-nited States Constitution, to say nothing of mebbe losin' good business we'd been do in' with the Hoggheimers, an' Schmidt Brothers, an' Fritz Schneckluk, an' a heap more buyers o' his that would rear up an' rip-snort an' refuse to do another cent's worth of dealing with a firm that was sellin' 'em autos wi' one hand an' shootin' holes in their brothers and cousins and Kaisers wi' the other.

The strange gentleman looked at him as if in pity for his ignorance or prejudice, and said: 'Well, sir, I tell you this there ain't a engine with its biler bust, in God A'mighty's free U-nited States, so fixed, and nipped, and frizzled to a most e-tarnal smash, as that young critter, in her luxurious location in the Tower of London will be, when she reads the next double-extra Watertoast Gazette.

As he spoke, he pointed to a prisoner in a slouch hat clinging half-way up the steel bars of his cage, his head thrust through as far as his cheeks would permit, his legs spread apart like the letter A. "What's he here for?" I asked. "Bobbin' the U-nited States mail." "Where?" "Up in the Kentucky mountains, back o' Bug Holler.

I reckon they wouldn't stand up against what we could show them in the U-nited States. But I have met the Frau von Einem, and that lady's a very different proposition. The man that will understand her has got to take a biggish size in hats. 'Who is she? I asked. 'Why, that is just what I can't tell you.

There's nothing short of goin' to the U-nited States for a second trip, as would make it at all creditable to be jolly, arter seein' you again! Tom laughed, and taking leave of his sister, hurried Mark and Martin out into the street, and away to John Westlock's by the nearest road; for his hour of business was very near at hand, and he prided himself on always being exact to his time.

I gets to the U-nited States; and then I DO begin, I won't deny it, to feel some little credit in sustaining my spirits. What follows? Jest as I'm a-beginning to come out, and am a-treadin' on the werge, my master deceives me. 'Deceives you! cried Tom. 'Swindles me, retorted Mr Tapley with a beaming face.