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"I fear," said Agrius, turning to Fundanius, "that the Sacristan may get back before we have reached the fourth head of our subject, that of the vintage, for I am looking forward thirstily to the vintage." "Be of good cheer," said Scrofa, "and prepare the grape baskets and the ewer."

The canyon had grown too rough for the horses to go farther and it would have been useless for us to try on foot. As I dismounted, so sore and bruised I could hardly stand, old Jim came limping in to fall into the brook where he lapped and lapped thirstily. Teague threw up his hands. Old Jim's return meant an ended chase. The grizzly had eluded the hounds in that jumble of rocks below.

As this was not a novelty to his companion, Prescott made no comment, and by and by two tumblers containing iced liquid were brought in. Jernyngham drained his thirstily and looked up with a grin. "It isn't exhilarating, but it's cool," he said. "Now, however, you're curious about my honorable scars I got them from a bottle.

First he stooped and drank thirstily, his hat pushed back, while his lips met full the hurrying water, clear and cold, yet with the chill it had brought from the mountain springs which fed it, and as he lifted his head he looked full at her. Evadna stared stonily over him to where the water boiled fastest. He might have been one of the rocks, for all the notice she took of him.

The men helped themselves, and with a simultaneous "How!" gulped their drinks down thirstily. Minky re-corked the bottle and wiped a few drops of water from the counter. "So Zip's around," he said, as the glasses were returned to the counter. And instantly Sunny's face became unusually serious. "Say," he cried, with a hard look in his good-natured eyes. "D'you ever feel real mad about things?

"I'm mighty glad to see you again," Jeff admitted. "Ah, water! That's a sight better'n whisky." He drank thirstily, for the sun was high in the heavens, and the road as hot as an oven. "I reckoned you'd come back," Jeff continued. "Why?" "To earn that dollar." He eyed the lad's somewhat ragged overalls. "Say what do they call ye to home?" "Bud." "Bud, eh? Short for brother. Folks got a fam'ly."

He came up close to her, and Bubbles, shaking back her short curly hair, took the cup from him. "This is delicious! You are a good sort, Bill!" He sat down on the end of her bed while she thirstily, greedily, drank the tea he had brought her. In all her gestures there was something bird-like and exquisite. Even when she was greedy Bubbles was dainty too.

From such Fountain he draws, diligently, thirstily, yet never or seldom with his whole heart, for the water nowise suits his palate; discouragements, entanglements, aberrations are discoverable or supposable.

So I climbed into the tree, much vexed, and waited for some one to come. Just at that moment, while I was thirstily and impatiently waiting, you noble ladies appeared, as if in answer to my great need. Therefore I pray you of your mercy give me some water to drink, for I am a thirsty traveler in a strange land."

There was more than enough pressing work on his desk to fill the clear hour that remained to him before he had to start for home. But he didn't mean to do it. He didn't mean to do anything except drink down thirstily the sixty minutes of pure solitude that were before him; to let his mind run free from the clutch of circumstance.