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"I hope there is a soda fountain," said Betty thirstily. "The wind's worse now we're out of the woods, isn't it? Do you suppose those sharpers think they can get another train from here?" "Tippewa doesn't look like a town with many trains," opined Bob. "I confess I don't see what they expect to do, or where they can go. Here comes an automobile, though.

She looked once, twice, thrice, more inquiringly, envyingly, thirstily; then, as the band under the cedars rolled out their music afresh, and light laughter echoed to her from the terrace, she turned and wound herself back under the cover of the shrubs; not joyously and mischievously as she had come, but almost as slowly, almost as sadly, as a hare that the greyhounds have coursed drags itself through the grasses and ferns.

Against the skyline Lorraine saw the rider's form bulk squatty and ungraceful, reminding her of an actor whom she knew and did not like. It was that resemblance perhaps which held her quiet instead of following her first impulse to speak to them and ask them to carry her grip to the house. The horses stopped with their forefeet in the water and drooped heads to drink thirstily.

"Not when we are in our Sunday clothes." "Then it is vanity." Gretchen shook her head wisely. "Mine is worth only four coppers to-night," he said. The vintner laughed pleasantly. Gretchen looked into his eyes, and an echo found haven in her own. Carmichael thirstily drank his first tankard, thinking: "So this vintner is in love with our goose-girl? Confound my memory!

Bob did not know all that, but he guessed some of it. He had not gone very far in experience himself, but he suspected that this wild creature of the hills was likely to have a turbulent and perhaps tragic time of it. She was very much a child of impulse. Thirstily she had drunk in all he could tell her of the world beyond the hills that hemmed them in.

Thirstily they gulped down the water, and then sat down to wait. The long hours passed slowly. "Great Scott!" exclaimed Chester finally. "Won't nine o'clock ever come?" "Hold your horses and don't get excited," ordered Lieutenant Anderson. "Impatience won't get us anything." Chester subsided, and for a time the four sat in silence.

After, a perfect calm, a shining sun, and a sweet smell over all the land, which had thirstily drunk the battering showers. In the house on Vadrome Mountain the tailor of Chaudiere had watched the storm with sympathetic interest. It was in accord with his own feelings.

By this time mother and child had reached the orchard end of a row, and Brother Ansel was thirstily waiting to deliver a little more of the information with which his mind was always teeming. "Them Boston people that come over to our public meetin' last Sunday," he began, "they was dretful scairt 'bout what would become o' the human race if it should all turn Shakers.

"I " A knock at the door was followed by the entrance of a bell-boy with the cocktail. Alec seized it, and drank thirstily. Kars looked on. He gave no sign. "That feller knows his job," he said, as the boy withdrew. Alec laughed. He was feeling in better case already. "Sure he does. A single push on that bell means one cocktail. He generally makes the trip twice in the morning.

"She was not harmed in the least, and 'went to bed the happiest girl in the building, so I was told." Katherine heaved a sigh of relief. She asked for a glass of water and drank thirstily when it was brought to her. "Can I do anything more for you, Kathie?" her friend inquired. The girl's eyes wandered to the books on her desk. "Shall I read? what?" "The twenty-third psalm, please."