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Updated: August 20, 2024

Somewhat ironically, too, I replied, "A crock, my dear lady, with one foot in the grave has no business to put the other into the Pays du Tendre." But all the same I had an absurd desire to take her at her word, not for the sake of constituting myself her amant en titre, but so as to dispossess the poor boy who was clamouring wildly for her among his mother's snuffy colleagues in Berlin.

But though she obtained, as the reward of her surrender of this wish, a little tea-service of old Sevres pate tendre, she kept her wish at the bottom of her heart, as if written on tablets. So one day when she had begged "my Cousin Betty" to come to take coffee with her in her room, she opened on the subject of her lover, to know how she might see him without risk.

He had no mind to dispute the taste of those who preferred the rustic simplicity of the earthen crock; but his own fancy inclined to the piece of pate tendre which must be kept in a glass case and handled as delicately as a flower. It was not merely by the external grace of these drawing-room ornaments that Woburn's sensibilities were charmed.

Her voice faltered a little and stopped: she had never before thought out into words her own loneliness; from the long green arbor the voices of the girls and the students sang, "Ah! le doux son d'un baiser tendre!" Flamen was silent. The poet in him and in an artist there is always more or less of the poet kept him back from ridicule, nay, moved him to pity and respect.

This is the road which must be followed to go from Nouvelle-Amitie to Tendre; and observe, gentlemen, that as we say Cumae-on-the-Ionian-Sea, Cumae-on-the-Tyrrhean-Sea, we shall say Tendre-sur-Inclination, Tendre-sur-Estime, and Tendre-sur-Reconnaissance. We must begin by inhabiting the village of Grand-Coeur, Generosity, Exactitude, and Petits-Soins."

Lo que tendré serán trabajos ... y humillaciones ... y jabonaduras ... ¡ah Eduardo! mucho te quiero, muchísimo, pero si hubiera sabido.... BRUNO. ¡Señorita! DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Bruno! BRUNO. ¡Pobrecita mía! Metida en esta pocilga. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿Y papá? ¿Cómo está papá? Pobre papá, cómo le he ofendido. BRUNO. Está bueno ... no tenga usted cuidado ... y él es quien me ha dicho donde vivían ustedes.

"L'exemple d'un monarque ordonne et se fait suivre: Quand Auguste buvait, la Pologne était ivre; Et quand Louis le Grand brûlait d'un tendre amour, Paris devint Cythère, et tout suivait sa cour; Lorsqu'il devint dévot, ardent

In another compartment, Jules and Marie Victor sagely exchanged their lightning glances of Parisian acuteness. "C'est un homme magnifique!" murmured Marie, and Jules gravely nodded, "Peut-etre, notre maitresse l'a connu longtemps. II est tres tendre!" The staff-officer "furthered the Viceroy's business" by clasping both of Alixe Delavigne's prettily-gloved hands.

And, touching her on the chin, "My little heart," he said, "if you will please, my sweet, to resume the little story you told just now to these gentlemen, I will pray you to travel with me upon the river Du Tendre, as the great ladies of Paris say, and to take a glass of brandy with your faithful chevalier, who met you formerly at Loudun, when you played a comedy in order to burn a poor devil."

This is the road which must be followed to go from Nouvelle-Amitie to Tendre; and observe, gentlemen, that as we say Cumae-on-the-Ionian-Sea, Cuma;-on-the-Tyrrhean- Sea, we shall say Tendre-sur-Inclination, Tendre-sur-Estime, and Tendre- sur-Reconnaissance. We must begin by inhabiting the village of Grand- Coeur, Generosity, Exactitude, and Petits-Soins."

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