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Updated: August 3, 2024

It is a question of the distance between Marlstone and Southampton. If he had left Marlstone in the car at the hour when he is supposed to have done so between ten and ten-thirty with a message from Manderson, the run would be quite an easy one to do in the time.

Yet she had either missed to hear or, hearing, had missed to understand Varco's call up the stairs. At Nicky-Nan's footstep she turned, with a face white and set. "Sam's got to go," she said. Her lips twitched. "Nonsense, woman! Some person's playin' a trick 'pon the town." "They start from the bridge at ten-thirty. There's no trick about it. Go an' see for yourself." She motioned with her hand.

"I wonder," Kay spoke up demurely, "which ancestor from which side of the family tree put that idea in his head, father?" Don Mike pretended not to have heard her. He turned kindly to John Parker and laid a friendly hand upon the latter's arm. "I think Bill Conway will drift by about ten o'clock or ten-thirty, Mr. Parker.

They are under the superintendence of several young officers who are known as Vortanzer and when anyone in Berlin in court society gives a ball these Vortanzer are the ones who see that all dancing is conducted strictly according to rule and manage the affairs of the ball-room with true Prussian efficiency. Supper is about ten-thirty at a court ball and is at small tables.

After a pause Worth continued: "I am going to start back to-night on the ten-thirty. When are you figuring on going back?" The engineer smiled grimly. "I can't figure on anything definite just now, Mr. Worth. I might as well tell you, I suppose, that I am no longer connected with the Company."

Those conditions now can never be met, and it becomes necessary for us to make other arrangements. You will meet me with a horse and buggy at Freeman Station tomorrow night, ten-thirty. Wait for me at the crossroads south of the depot. If anyone learns of our meeting it will be all up with you."

"Nobody wears the ready-made kind. It's no trick to do it. I'll show you, any time." They fell into friendly talk about the wreck. It was ten-thirty when Banneker finished his much-interrupted writing. Going out to the portable house, he lighted an oil-stove and proceeded to make a molasses pie.

Doris wondered who the strange man was that had come in with Andover, an hour ago, and how Dr. Andover had so suddenly become possessed of a thousand dollars. At exactly ten-thirty the next morning The Spider was at the information desk of the General Hospital, inquiring for Andover. "He's in the operating-room," said the clerk. "Then I'll wait."

Friday morning came, and at ten-thirty exactly, not a minute before or after, Mr. Abel Cumshaw knocked at the front door and was admitted. He was shown at once into Mr. Bryce's study, where that gentleman awaited him, watch in hand. "On time to the tick," he said affably as Cumshaw entered the room. "Everything's ready for an immediate start. I suppose you've got all you want."

Later on I came to prefer the simple statements as to the same scene and event, given out by Sir Douglas Haig and General Pershing after this fashion: "Last night at ten-thirty P.M. our men noticed signs of a light bombardment apparently coming from the German lines." The best of these, as I remember them, used to come from the Italian front and were done after this fashion:

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