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"Ole Governor was foolin' you. That telegram was jes' to let Governor know Briggs was on the job. Got t' have his little joke, ole Governor. It tickles 'im t' fool us boys." Archie went at once to the Huddleston station, where he satisfied himself that the lonely agent knew nothing of the transactions of the night.

"My dear Sir George," he said, "I trust that you will appreciate my position in this matter. I do not even know the young lady's name. My eccentric friend in his telegram, which occupied four forms, most specially insisted that I should ask or answer no questions concerning her." "You are not aware, then, of the circumstances which led to her coming here?" Duncombe asked.

"Phil and Orcott may settle the business between them," he said to himself, as he forged the Yorkshireman's name. "What I have to do is to get Phil away, and give Hawkehurst a chance of saving Tom Halliday's daughter; and I shan't stand upon trifles in the doing of it." After having despatched this telegram, George Sheldon found himself much too restless and excited for ordinary business.

We've got to get him up here as soon as ever we can. When you have brought the tea you had better go out and send him a telegram, telling him to come up by the next train." "I have already done so, sir. I took the liberty of writing the message and dispatching it by the lift attendant." "By Jove, you think of everything, Jeeves!" "Thank you, sir. A little buttered toast with the tea? Just so, sir.

Round her neck, in the picture, Max thought he recognized his pearls, and on the pretty hand, raised to play with a rope of bigger pearls "Millionaire Houston's" perhaps was the ring Max had given her the night when the telegram came. The photograph, which was large and clearly reproduced, showed the curiously shaped stone on the middle finger of Billie's left hand.

Fancy the delight of Lincoln, then, when on the Christmas eve of 1864, he received this telegram: SAVANNAH, Georgia, December 22, 1864. To His EXCELLENCY, PRESIDENT LINCOLN, WASHINGTON, D.C. I beg to present you as a Christmas gift the city of Savannah, with one hundred and fifty heavy guns and plenty of ammunition; also about twenty-five thousand bales of cotton.

"All right, Caw," said Handyside, looking ashamed of himself, and hobbled off, still hankering, however. An hour later Caw came to him in the study, and presented an open telegram. "Will you be pleased to look at this, sir?" The doctor read: "Registered letter received. Best policy. "God bless me, Caw! the man's in Paris!" "Quite so, sir.

"It is our people who are intimidated, beaten back in the moment of victory." And then some of the crowd, now thronging the open space in front of the battalion, began to cheer. A man pushed through, handed Kenyon a telegram, and whispered a few words in his ear. Kenyon glanced quickly around upon the multitude now surging close about the group, and stepped back a few paces to read his despatch.

If you want to please me and be very happy yourself say 'Yes' to B. N. Splendid thing for you. Could wish nothing better for your future. Do relieve my mind by writing that you have decided. Yours lovingly and hopefully, DEAREST: Your telegram gave me the most dreadful surprise when I arrived here at Ballachulish, and everything else seemed against me too, for there was a wire from Mr.

Sometimes his tone was frankly impatient but he usually ended up such epistles with repeated assurances of affection. Through the correspondence Josie traced much in regard to Peter and Polly. There was one telegram in which this Chester Hunt had summoned the woman to Atlanta. That was dated about a year before. "Come I need you C. H." That was all.