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Neither she nor I ever put anything on the top of a Bible, and we sometimes sat long in comical and uncomfortable silence because neither of us would "scare the angel that was passing over the house." When the first notes of the organ stirred the swallows in the church eaves to chirp aloud, I believed with Mrs. Bundle that they were joining in the Te Deum.

And now, with a powerful accord, the sweetly attuned human voices joined in, and the choir sang in melting unison the Te Deum Laudamus, which resounded solemnly, grandly through the aisles. The king turned pale, and as the hymn of praise became more full and rich, his head sank back and his eyes were fixed upon the floor.

He was desirous of having that or some other that could be read; for it would be difficult to find a transcriber who, without making mistakes, could read the manuscript that he had sent him: "Misisti mihi librum Senecae, et Cornelium Tacitum, quod est mihi gratum; et is est litteris longobardis, et majori ex parte caducis, quod si scissem, liberassem te eo labore.

"If, as you say, the package was laid on the safe and never removed by you, somebody must have taken it away." "Of course, somepody tock it," remarked Mr. Swartz. "How te tevil could it go mitout it vash taken away py somepody?" "Do you suspect any one of having stolen it," asked the clerk, turning as white as the shirt he wore. "Did you ever come near de safe to-day," asked Mr. Swartz, abruptly.

It would make no difference to him, and he, Te filo, would work better than ever, to show his gratitude. When at last he spoke of the matter, the Father peremptorily denied his request. Agust'n's daughter was an obstinate, perverse child, and would only lead Te filo away too.

"My bird is dead, said Susy P., My bird is dead; O, deary me! He sang so sweet, te whee, te whee; He sings no more; O, deary me! Go hang his cage up in the tree, That cage I care no more to see. My bird is dead, cried Susy P." These provoking words Percy drawled out in a sing-song voice. It was too much. Susy's eyes flashed through her tears.

The grave assemblage, on the 26th of August, was issuing from Notre Dame, where a Te Deum had just been sung, when Councillor Broussel and President Blancmesnil were arrested in their houses, and taken one to St. Germain and the other to Vincennes. This was a familiar proceeding on the part of royal authority in its disagreements with the Parliament.

"Enfin, chere Sybille," said Madame de Frontignac, when Mary came out of the room, with her cheeks glowing and her eye flashing with a still unsubdued light, "te voila encore! What did he say, mimi? did he ask for me?" "Yes," said Mary, "he asked for you." "What did you tell him?" "I told him that you wished me to excuse you." "How did he look then? did he look surprised?"

"'Well, then, says the friar, 'I'll give you a trial at that Afflat te canis ter Forte dux fel flat in guttur. "'A flat tay-canisther Forty ducks fell flat in the gutthers! says Father James, 'why that's English! "'English! says the friar, 'oh, good-bye to you, Mr. Secular; 'if that's your knowledge of Latin, you're an honor to your tachers and to your cloth.

"Ego te absolvo ab omnibus censuris et peccatis, in nomine Patris " He raised himself a little and lifted his hand, moving it sideways across and down as he ended "et Filii et Spiritus Sancti." The priest rose up once more, his duty driving his emotion down; he did not dare to look across at the two figures beyond the bed, or even to question himself again as to what he was doing.