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Germany, if she will do this, will certainly stand before the whole world as the leading power of Europe; for she can then say to the whole world that she has taken the proposal of Russia au serieux; has supported a thoroughly good plan of arbitration; has done what Russia and France have not been willing to do, favored the presentation to the conference of a plan providing for the immunity of private property from seizure on the high seas during war, and that while, as regards the proceedings of the conference, Russia has wished secrecy, Germany has steadily, from the first, promoted frankness and openness.

They all enjoy the spectacle with approval, and take the drama au grand serieux, uttering none of the gibes which sometimes attend efforts to please in our own country. Even when the hat, or other instrument of extortion, is passed round, and they give nothing, and when the manager, in an excess of fury and disappointment, calls out, "Ah! sons of dogs!

"Soyons serieux!" "He is right," murmured Alice, "we must be serious. Lloyd, let me go," and with an effort she freed herself. "I can only stay here half an hour, and I don't know how much of it we have wasted already." She tried to look at him reproachfully, but her eyes were swimming with tenderness. "It wasn't wasted, dear," he answered fondly.

But this improbable development of Satanism is just what is being earnestly asserted, and the affirmations made are being taken in some quarters au grand sérieux.

Then, "You mean she's not his wife?" he asked. She took it responsibly. "What shall I tell you? They're not des hommes serieux, those gentlemen! They don't engage for eternity. It's none of my business, and I've no wish to speak ill of madame. She's gentille but gentille, and she loves her jeune homme to distraction." "Who then is so distinguished a young woman?" asked Longmore.

"He wouldn't say anything like that about you, Gerty," Carry said reproachfully. "Who wouldn't?" "Mr. Lemuel." "Oh, Carry, don't you understand that I am so glad to be allowed to talk nonsense? I have been all strung up lately like the string of a violin. Everything au grand serieux I want to be idle, and to chat, and to talk nonsense. Where did you get that bunch of stephanotis?" "Mr.

"Mademoiselle has indiscriminately accepted our tokens of homage," the Commandant said, maliciously. "But it yet remains to be seen whose offering has been most acceptable to her," went on the Général, adding, au grand sérieux, "we won't resort to duels unless absolutely necessary."

Lucy Audley made a little grimace with her pretty little lips. "Bah, you silly Robert," she exclaimed; "you take everything au serieux. If I thought you were rather too young for a nephew, it was only in my fear of other people's foolish gossip; not from any " She hesitated for a moment, and escaped any conclusion to her sentence by the timely intervention of Mr.

And there is something noble shall I say? in his half-disdainful way of serving himself with what he still, as I think, secretly values over-much. There is an air of seemly thought le bel serieux about him, which makes me think of one of those grave old Dutch statesmen in their youth, such as that famous William the Silent. July 1705.

"What, we have had some new loves, have we?" the Major asked in high good-humour. "Some two or three," Mr. Pen said, laughing. "But I don't put on my grand serieux any more, sir. That goes off after the first flame." "Very right, my dear boy. But a man of the world gives up those follies. You still may do very well. You have been bit, but you may recover.