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Those who eat simple meals and are moderate are not troubled with indigestion. Those who eat such mushy foods as oatmeal and cream of wheat usually take milk or cream and sugar with them. This should not be done, for such dressing stimulates the appetite and leads to undermastication. Neither children nor adults chew these soft starchy foods enough.

They heard him creaking down the aisle of the church, and the following slam of the heavy door behind him; there was a little awkward silence. The clergyman was blotting Christine's new name in the register; he looked up at her with short-sighted eyes, a quill pen held between his teeth. "Would you er care to have the pen, Mrs. er Challoner?" He had a starchy voice and a starchy manner.

Emprote and the other proteid foods produced by the Eustace Miles Proteid Foods Ltd., is a valuable asset to the vegetarian beginner, who too often tries to subsist upon a dietary deficient in assimilable proteid. Energen. The Energen Foods are another very useful asset to the vegetarian suffering from deficiency of proteid in his dietary and those who are unable to digest starchy foods.

The Head Nurse was a tall woman in white, and was so starchy that she rattled like a newspaper when she walked. "Good morning," she said briskly. "Have you sent over the soiled clothes?" Head nurses are always bothering about soiled clothes; and what becomes of all the nailbrushes, and how can they use so many bandages. "Yes, Miss Smith." "Meals come over promptly?" "Yes, Miss Smith."

If there is acute pain, repeat the injection every two hours until relieved. Hot fomentations applied to the back, over the region of the kidneys, will relieve the pain, and gentle massage in the same locality will be found beneficial. Avoid sweets, pastries, starchy foods, like potatoes, alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee and overfat foods. The diet recommended for dyspepsia is good.

Why must these foods be ground and cooked? 4. Which is the better food, white or brown bread? Why? 5. Could we live on starch-foods alone? What is the reason of this? 6. In what foods do we find nitrogen? In what, carbon? 7. What is a "complete food"? Name some. 8. Why must the starchy foods be changed in the body into sugar, or glucose? 9. Name three ways by which bread is made "light." 10.

"Consider yourselves in my charge now," the officer said, fitting very high and straight upon his horse. "But will monsieur l'officier take us straightway to Colonel Denison?" "In good time we shall see that officer," the starchy commander replied. "But, monsieur, I pray you to make haste. It is a matter of the gravest importance that I should see him as speedily as possible.

Fruit and milk make a good combination, but no starchy foods are to be taken in this meal. Take a glass of milk, either sweet or sour, and what fruit is desired, insalivating both the fruit and the milk thoroughly.

"There's something mysterious about that dress," said he. "It's one of those that you read about in fairy-stories, that forever patch themselves, and keep themselves new and starchy. A body only needs one dress like that!" "Sure, lad," she answered. "There's no fairies in coal-camps unless 'tis meself, that washes it at night, and dries it over the stove, and irons it next mornin'."

In their physical condition there is much difference, chiefly because of the adhering chaff of the barley, which makes it more digestible because it separates the starchy mass and enables the gastric juice to work upon the particles more readily and quickly. Oats also have this character. This is very important in the case of horses, which can quickly be put out of condition by feeding wheat.