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They stock all the goods mentioned in this book, and I should like to draw special attention to their unpolished rice and seedless raisins, both of which are exceptionally good. To those about to invest in a Food-Chopper I would recommend the 5/ size. The other is inconveniently small. Emprote.

Emprote and the other proteid foods produced by the Eustace Miles Proteid Foods Ltd., is a valuable asset to the vegetarian beginner, who too often tries to subsist upon a dietary deficient in assimilable proteid. Energen. The Energen Foods are another very useful asset to the vegetarian suffering from deficiency of proteid in his dietary and those who are unable to digest starchy foods.

"EMPROTE" is a beautifully prepared proteid powder-food, more nourishing than meat and entirely free from all impurities. Its uses are almost innumerable, but the chief points are that it can be used without any preparation at all, if necessary, and that it has been proved, in thousands of instances, to be a perfectly adequate and very easily digested substitute for flesh-foods of all kinds.

Not one in a hundred can thrive on a diet of vegetables, stewed fruit, puddings and bread and butter. Begin right and you will make a splendid success. *By far the easiest, safest and best way* is to use "Emprote" as the basis, or principal nourishing ingredient, of any dish that replaces meat.