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She was no longer the self-reliant, petted creature of the circus, where environment and adversity formed a training-school for disaster, but a delicate, refined flower set out in a new soil to thrive or wither as the winds of prejudice blow. In the other days she could have laughed with glee at the vagaries of that self-same wind, but now, ah, now it was different. She was not Little Starbright.

He stepped nearer, peering into Merry's face. Suddenly Frank recognized him. "Hello, Starbright!" he exclaimed, in delight. "Frank Merriwell!" shouted the big fellow, leaping forward and grasping Merry's hand. "Oh, eternal miracles! Am I dreaming?" Such a handshaking as it was!

Here was Dick Starbright, the big Yale man, who had good cause to remember Frank with emotions of the deepest gratitude and friendliness. "What in the world are you doing here, Merry?" asked Dick. "What in the world are you doing here?" was Frank's counter question. "Why, I'm a newspaper reporter. Been digging up the facts in regard to the Poydras murder. That brought me into this quarter.

"Merriwell!" he gasped. "Yes," said Starbright. "I ran across him by accident and brought him here to see you." Morgan lifted his clinched hand and placed his arm across his eyes for a moment, the attitude being one of intense humiliation and shame. "What made you bring him?" he muttered huskily. "I I didn't want any one but you to to know anything about "

Starbright had told him enough for him to realize that Morgan was on the road to ruin and very near the brink.

"Look out for him, Frank," urged Starbright. "I saw murder in those eyes." "I'll have the police raking the city for him without delay," said Merry. "Let's go directly to police headquarters." This they did, and Merriwell told his story. As it was known that Lazaro had tried to poison Watson Scott and had bribed the driver of Warren Hatch's automobile to wreck the machine with Mr.

We'll see what you can do in the way of getting into condition. You used to be hard as iron and supple as a willow. I think I can take hold of you, and put you into fairly good condition in a short time. As for Starbright, if I'm not mistaken, he is in the very pink of condition." "I am," agreed Dick; "but I I'd have to give up my work, and " "You told me all about your poor success thus far.

As the product of a fashionable convent they may rejoice in me, but as the pupil of the sawdust ring, as Little Starbright, a thing of spangles! Ah! How about that side of me? Who were my childhood friends and associates? Don't misjudge me. I loved them all I love them now. They were the best friends and the truest. But could they ever be the friends of your friends?"

Oh, thunder! what a jolly surprise! This is great great!" Rattleton had Starbright with one hand and Morgan with the other, and he astonished and amused people in the vicinity by dancing wildly and whirling them round as he wrung their hands. "Look out, Rattles," laughed Frank. "If you're seen going through such gyrations by a policeman he'll surely pinch you."

Merriwell shrugged his shoulders as his eyes ran swiftly over the hotel office and the loungers gathered therein. "Dade Morgan stopping here!" he mentally exclaimed. "The immaculate, almost æsthetic, Dade in such a wretched place! It seems impossible." There was no clerk behind the desk. "Come on," said Starbright. "I know how to find Morgan's room. This way."