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They had now reached Third Avenue, and they boarded a car southward bound, which at that hour was comparatively empty, while the cars bound in the opposite direction were packed. While they were on the car Merry told Starbright something of his great plan to build a railroad in Sonora that should tap his mining property, and of his battle with Porfias del Norte and Alvarez Lazaro.

The awful look in those terrible eyes seemed to freeze both Morgan and Starbright and turn them to stone. For some moments they remained motionless and breathless. As for Frank, he met that look squarely, and between him and the eavesdropper at the transom a silent battle took place. Dade and Dick suddenly knew this battle was occurring.

'The Rose and the Ring. Why not 'The Rose in the Ring'?" "Hi! Hi!" cried Joey approvingly, "Right you are." During the entire act of Little Starbright and Monsieur Dupont David gazed entranced.

Merriwell had reached the spot a few moments later and had rushed across through the woods in an effort to head off the fugitive. While Browning was making inquiries he was overtaken by Starbright and Morgan. "There's only one way to get off this island," reminded Dade. "Come on!" They raced through the leafless woods, causing all who saw them to turn and stare after them in astonishment.