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I remembered chasing a rabbit into this cavern when I was a boy, and though it would have been an easy matter to follow him, I preferred to stay outside in the sunshine. The spring-hole, then, was haunted. This did not strike me as strange. I rather wondered that it had not been from the first; it was a likely place for ghosts.

On my way home I saw Peg grazing on the rim of the creek, near that big spring-hole where the water's so deep and clear. And what do you think? There was Joel's head above the water. I remembered in our quarrel I had told him to go wash his dirty face. He was doing it. I had to laugh. When he saw me he then then he " Lucy faltered, blushing with anger and shame.

This connects up with a spring-hole; it leads out by Crazy Laura's house." "Ugh!" Anita shivered. "She gives me the creeps!" "And every one else; what's doing, Harry?" "Nothing. That's the funny part of it!" The big Cornishman had crept to the edge of the fissure and had stared for a moment toward the cross-cut leading to the stope. "If it was coming, it ought to 'ave showed up by now.

"And now," said my friend, "if you will work your canoe carefully around to that old balsam top and get the light where you can see the bottom, you may see some large trout." I did as directed, and making a telescope of my hand, looked intently for the bottom of the spring-hole.

"I asked him how he explained the apparition and he reckoned it was the ghost of the slave who was beaten to death, and that since his old master had come back to haunt the laurel walk, he had come back to haunt his old master. That sounds to me like a plausible explanation. As soon as it's light I'll have a look at the spring-hole."

"When I finished with the spring-hole it still lacked something of six o'clock and I rode over to the village hoping to get an answer to my telegram. I wanted to get Jeff's case settled. 'Miller's store' was not open but 'Jake's place' was, and it was not long before I got on the track of my man.

Before turning in I ventured to ask him how he succeeded in taking large trout, while the experts only caught small ones, or failed altogether. "Go with me tomorrow morning to a spring-hole three miles up the river and I'll show you," he said. Of course, we went. He, rowing a light skiff and I paddling a still lighter canoe.

One sunshiny day, as he lay in his favorite spring-hole, thinking about nothing in particular, and just working his fins enough to keep from drifting down stream, a fly lit on the surface just over his head a bright, gayly colored fly of a species which was entirely new to him, but which looked as if it must be very finely flavored.

Bud kept a sharp eye on me; still, he made no objection when I walked over and lay down upon the blankets near Dick. "Dick, I shot a bear and helped to tie up a cub," I said. And then I told him all that had happened from the time I scrambled out of the spring-hole till I was discovered up in the loft.

"Terry," I said disgustedly, "that may make a very picturesque newspaper story, but it doesn't help much in unravelling the mystery." "It helps a good deal. I would not like to swear to the flames or sulphur or the passage down to hell, but the fact that he was tall and black and comes from the spring-hole is significant. He was black mark that so were the stolen lap robes.