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Updated: August 2, 2024

"Hope to never cock another gun, Bill Ball, ef she ain't thar ag'in!" "She shore is, Lee," answered Bill; "provin' we-all mislaid no bets reconsiderin', an' stakin' Sorrel-top to a little ranch and brand." Thus, happily, does time sweeten the bitterest memories.

"I 've fought and I 've won, and there 's nothing more to it." "Oh, yes, there is," said the other. "I 'm 'Sorrel-top' Simpson. Brick 's my brother. See?" And so, in this fashion, Joe learned another custom of the Pit People of which he had been ignorant. "All right," he said, his fighting blood more fully aroused than ever by the unjustness of the proceeding. "Come on."

"I won't take no slack from no old Wabash hayseed like you," responded the teamster cordially. "You can't boss me. You hain't no right. You can't ring me in to help you steal niggers, unless you divide with me. You come out here in the road and I'll punch that old sorrel-top head o' your'n." And the teamster pranced out and brandished his blacksnake whip menacingly.

I can't say but what my wife has always been strong enough, and I've been satisfied to have the children take after her; but when I saw this one's sorrel-top as we used to call it before we admired red hair, I knew she was a Talbert, and I made up my mind to begin my system with her." He laughed as with a sense of agreeable discomfiture.

Sorrel-top Simpson, a year younger than his brother, proved to be a most unfair fighter, and the good-natured fireman was compelled to interfere several times before the second of the Simpson clan lay on the ground and acknowledged defeat. This time Joe reached for his kites without the slightest doubt that he was to get them. But still another lad stepped in between him and his property.

See what sort of a shine you can give 'em for Sunday-go-to-meeting to-morrow morning." He put out his hand and laid hold of the boy's head, passing his fingers through the thick red hair. "Sorrel-top!" he said, with a grin of agreeable reminiscence. "They emptied all the freckles they had left into your face, didn't they, Andy?"

Marcia did not answer at once, and then she said, with the vagueness of one not greatly interested by the subject, "You've got a sorrel-top in your office that's fiery enough, if she's anything like what she used to be when she went to school." "Hannah Morrison?" "Yes." "Oh, she isn't so bad. She's pretty lively, but she's very eager to learn the business, and I guess we shall get along.

Looks like a pr'ty ripe red apple among a lot o' rotten ones. "Hated like hell to see her thar, specially with next to nothin' on, fer somehow I couldn't help her 'mindin' me o' our Sorrel-top. Reckon ef we busted up their damn show, that gal'd git to stay a while in a decent woman's sort o' clothes. What say, shall we bust her!"

Soon the waves dash and the rain pours down. "I see a small bundle on the deck. It obstructs the approaches to the 'scupper' in front of my cabin door. About to step out and clear this watercourse, I see that 'sorrel-top, corpulent, garrulous German doctor gently unwind the soaked package and tenderly gaze at an upturned childish face.

"Huh!" grunted Lee; "may be a good-looker, but I'll gamble she ain't in it with our Sorrel-top; hey, boys? Here 's to our Sorrel-top, fellers, an' th' day Circuit prances into Mancos wi' her." Several who tried to drink and cheer at the same time lost much of their liquor, but none of their enthusiasm.

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