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Updated: August 25, 2024

I only caught the few words at the very end, because he spoke them so clearly, and his face was bent down out of the carriage window so near to mine." "'À cause du sommeil et

Over it there plays a light and luminous tenderness, an almost naïve and reticent and virginal quality. The music of "Psyche" is executed with the lightest of musical brushes. It is as sweet and lucent and gracious as a fresco of Raphael's. The lightest, the silkiest of veils floats in the section marked "Le Sommeil de Psyche"; the gentlest of zephyrs carries the maiden to her lord.

"She's asleep," she said to Austin. "No, I'm not," murmured the girl, unclosing her eyes; "Captain Selwyn knows; don't you? . . . What is that sparkling a fire-fly?" But it was the first paper lantern glimmering through the Hitherwood trees from the distant lawn. "Oh, dear," sighed Eileen, sitting up with an effort, and looking sleepily at Selwyn. "J'ai sommeil besoin dormir "

The train which had brought them steamed out of the station, leaving the malgamite makers gazing in a dull wonder at the three men into whose hands they had committed their lives. "L'indifference est le sommeil du coeur." The village of Scheveningen, as many know, is built on the sand dunes, and only sheltered from the ocean by a sea-wall.

He did not like to lie awake in the dark, he confessed. He complained that sleep fled from him. "Le sommeil me fuit," he declared, with his habitual air of subdued stoicism, which made him sympathetic and touching. I made it clear to him that I did not attach undue importance to the fact of his having been a convict. Thus it came about that one evening he was led to talk about himself.

And thus Talbot ran on into a strain of conversation, half serious, half gay, which lasted till Clarence went upstairs to lie down and muse on Lady Flora Ardenne. La vie eat un sommeil. Les vieillards sont ceux donc le sommeil a ete plus long: ils ne commencent a se reveiller que quand il faut mourir.

Un grand sommeil noir Tombe sur ma vie; Dormez toute espoir, Dormez toute envie! Je ne vois plus rien, Je perds la memoire Du mal et du bien.... Oh, la triste histoire! yet who does not at the same time experience its assuagement?

Welt als Wille und Vorstellung, 4th Edition. Bk. [Footnote: 2: Cf. loc: cit: p. 275. Sleep is a morsel of death borrowed to keep up and renew the part of life which is exhausted by the day le sommeil est un emprunt fait

"Au reste, si monsieur le consultant ne passe les nuits bien calmes, il prendra chaque soir a l'heure de sommeil six grains des pilules de cynoglosse, dent il augmentera la dose d'un grain de plus toutes les fois que la dose du jour precedent, n'aura pas ete suffisante pour lui faire passer la nuit bien calme.

Le sommeil est bien salutaire, pour la jeunesse." "The girl is no longer in her cradle, Francis, and it is time to rattle at the windows. As for the black minx, who should have been up and at her duty this hour, there will be a balance to settle between us. Come, Patroon: the appetite will not await the laziness of a wilful girl; we will to the table.

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