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"`It's of no use good-womaning me, Mr Crossley, said she, `I couldn't exist in a 'ouse w'ere smokin' is allowed. My dear father died of smokin' at least, if he didn't, smokin' must 'ave 'ad somethink to do with it, for after the dear man was gone a pipe an' a plug of the nasty stuff was found under 'is piller, so I can't stand it; an' what's more, Mr Crossley, I won't stand it!

To which chipped in a third, "Yes, and somethink to keep the blighters from shooting us in the back wouldn't 'ave done us much 'arm, anyway." There were evidently more things in earth than I had hitherto dreamt of in my philosophy!

"'Er 'usband was one of these 'ere masterful men, 'e was, same as wot yours is, and w'en 'er didn't please 'im, 'e 'd 'it 'er somethink orful. Many's the time I've gone there and found 'er with 'er poor face all cut up and the crockery broke bad.

He's somethink worth lookin' at an' worth havin' too. He knows how to farm and make it pay, an' owns one of the best pieces of land about Noonoon all his own. Dawn don't seem to take to him as she ought.

I could certainly have wished that our landlord, shortly after giving us the agreement, could have found some other place to hang himself in than one of our attics, for the consequence was that a housemaid left us in violent hysterics about every two months, having learned the tragedy from the tradespeople, and naturally "seen a somethink" immediately afterward.

"Do you think you can get on if I leave you a bit? I think I know where I can earn a little, and I'll be back before night, never fear." "Maybe you'll find me up and about when you comes," said the boy; "mayhap the old gal would give me a job sweeping or somethink." "You must not think of it," said Reginald, almost sternly. "Mind, I trust you to be quiet till I come. How I wish I had some food!"

"D'ye think so?" "I'm sure of it." "You're right," remarked Forsyth, looking from his elevated position to the seaward horizon, "I can see it coming now." "I say, what smell is that?" exclaimed Ruby, sniffing. "Somethink burnin'," said Dumsby, also sniffing. "Why, what can it be?" murmured Forsyth, looking round and likewise sniffing. "Hallo! Joe, look out; you're on fire!"

So that you see he laid by a pretty handsome sum at the end of the year. My master was diffrent; and being a more fashnable man than Mr. B., in course he owed a deal more mony. I give this as a curosity pipple doan't know how in many cases fashnabble life is carried on; and to know even what a real gnlmn OWES is somethink instructif and agreeable. But to my tail.

"There, Imp, you see it's all right!" said he, and then paused, and held his breath. "Did ye hear anythink?" whispered the boy. "A chain rattled, I think." "And 't was in The Terror's' stall, there? didn't ye hear somethink else, sir?" "No!"

A wholesale stationer supplied them, and a benevolent lady paid the bill. "Leave me alone," cried Looney from habit, "I ain't doin' nuffin." "All right," said Alfred airily; "I've only come to fetch somethink." But just at that moment he heard the superintendent's footstep coming along the passage. There was no escape and no time for thought.