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The last time ah, I recklect well, I was called in to see if somethink wasn't wrong with the ballcock in the top cistin. I see there was somethink, and I come away as usual. That day week, old Mr. Rummles was took with a fit on the floor in the back droring-room, which broke up the 'ouse!

Presently I felt my sleeve pulled, and heard the woman's voice. 'You didn't know as I was cluss behind you all the while, a-watchin' your tantrums. Never spile a good mind, my young swell. Out with t'other quid, an' then I'll tell you somethink about my pootty darter as is on my mind.

A man and a woman were standing at the corner of a street, talking, and he overheard them as he passed. "'Illoa, Sarah," the man said, "w'ere you goin', eih?" "Goin' roan' the awfices," she answered, "to see if I kin get a job o' charin'!" "Gawblimey!" said the man, laughing at her. "Well, you got to do somethink, 'aven't you?

Strange name very!" said Sir James. "Are you sure it was Cat Street?" "Well, I ain't quite sure, sir," replied the little plain one, with an inquiring frown at the chandelier, "but I know it 'ad somethink to do with cats. P'r'aps it was Mew Street; but I'm quite sure it was Pimlico." "And the lady's name?" "Well, sir, I ain't sure of that neither.

The Capting quite wild about her. Mr. Crawley mortial jealous. Since Miss C. was took ill, she won't have nobody near her but Miss Sharp, I can't tell for where nor for why; and I think somethink has bewidged everybody."

Was he going to fall? Before Patsy could do anything he recovered himself and spoke. "You have business with me?" he said to the tramp. "Yes, sir." Mr. Baker was suddenly cringingly respectful. "I came 'ere to talk business an' was set upon by this yere man o' yourn somethink crool. I'd sack him if I was you. Your 'orses wouldn't be safe with 'im, 'im bein' so 'ot-tempered."

There were exclamations of surprise, triumph, indignation. The dark group of men swung across the light. "What for?" "Told you so..." "Bloomin' shame..." "We've got to say somethink about that," screeched Donkin from the rear. "Never mind, Jim we will see you righted," cried several together. An elderly seaman stepped to the front.

'None of those little girls is her own little girl, thought Anthea. The little black-clad London child pulled at Anthea's sleeve. 'Look, she said, 'that one there she's precious like mother; mother's 'air was somethink lovely, when she 'ad time to comb it out. Mother wouldn't never a-beat me if she'd lived 'ere I don't suppose there's e'er a public nearer than Epping, do you, Miss?

I'm wery poor and ill, and I thought I'd come back here when there warn't nobody about, and lay down and hide somewheres as I knows on till arter dark, and then go and beg a trifle of Mr. Snagsby. He wos allus willin fur to give me somethink he wos, though Mrs. Snagsby she was allus a- chivying on me like everybody everywheres." "Where have you come from?"

"Suppose anything should happen that Ma'amselle never came back," suggested Rosamond; "we could take possession of the place and live here forever." "I don't think much of that plan," declared Patty; "New York is good enough for me, as a permanent residence. But I do want to do somethink in keeping with the atmosphere of this place.