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How did you work that colossal drunk, Matty, when you came home on a stretcher and the Red-Caps said you 'was the first-classest delirious-trimmings as ever was, aseein' snakes somethink 'orrible, and in no wise to be persuaded 'as 'ow there wasn't one underyer bloomin' foot the 'ole time'. Oh you teetotallers!" Dam shuddered and paled.

The dog slunk sulkily to the door, his tail between his legs, and his back humped as if expecting another kick. He got it. Dad sat in the ashes then, and groaned lamentably. The dog walked in at the back door and dropped on the bag again. Joe came in to say that "Two coves out there wants somethink." Dad paid no attention.

"He's a clown or a hacrobat, or somethink of that sort, in one of the theatres or music-'alls. He's bin burnt out o' his 'ome last night, an's a-sellin' off all he's been able to save, by hauction."

Many's the time he's beat her black an' blue, when she jist went out to get a bit o' somethink for his tea at night, 'cos he would 'ave it she'd been a-doin' what she 'adn't ought " "Where is she?" Ida asked, thinking she had now gathered enough of the features of the case. "I said at the Clock 'Ouse, mem. Mrs. Sprowl's took her in' mem, and is be'avin' to her like a mother. She knew her, did Mrs.

One day when she was asleep, I was turnin' over 'er clothes to see how much longer they would hold together, when I feels a somethink 'ard sewed up in the breast; I rips it open, and it was that letter. I didn't put it back in the frock ag'in, 'cause I thought it might be useful some day in findin' out who she was. She never missed it.

Phoebe put him on the ground while she busied herself about the coop. The other chicks came out and walked about the dead one again and again, eyeing him curiously. "Poor little chap!" said Phoebe. "'E's never 'ad a mother! 'E was an incubytor chicken, and wherever I took 'im 'e was picked at. There was somethink wrong with 'im; 'e never was a fyvorite!"

"What can'd be, I wonder?" said Watt; "I think I can smell somethin'." "I halways thought you 'ad somethink of an old dog in you," said Dumsby. "Ay, man!" said the Scot with a leer, "I ken o' war beasts than auld dowgs." "Do you? come let's 'ear wat they are," said the Englishman. "Young puppies," answered the other. "Hurrah! dinner, as I'm a Dutchman," cried Forsyth. This was indeed the case.

It can't be for nothink as he counts the hairs on our heads as the sayin' is! though for my part I never could see what good there was in it. But if it ain't for somethink, why it's no more good than the census, which is a countin' o' the heads theirselves."

But it made my flesh creep to hear all the rest so clear an' straightforward, an' then that she should say: 'Hilton did it, the black beast. He always hated Bob an' me, because we were white, an' the jungle strain has come out at last. Oh, it was somethink dreadful to hear her laughin' at her cleverness.

Well, I'll tell you wot the lady said to her. She said, 'You remember me as come one time to talk to you about the young lady as had been a-wisiting of you? You remember me as give you somethink handsome for a handkercher wot she had left? Ah, she remembered. So we all did. Well, then, wos that young lady up at the house now? No, she warn't up at the house now. Well, then, lookee here.