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Wright," he panted as he ran, "you didn't reelly ought ... If any one should come ..." But Bruce Wright was already at the window. The butler found him leaning on the sill, peering with an air of frightened curiosity into the empty room. "The glazier from Stevenish" Bude's voice breathed the words hoarsely in Wright's ear "is coming to-morrow morning to put the window in.

The curtains rolled up and down easily; the windows were propped upon nice clean sticks instead of tennis rackets and hearth brushes; there was a well-washed stone to keep the curtain down on the sill; and just outside were tiny window gardens, in each of which grew three marigolds and three asters, in a box fenced about with little green pickets.

The sill was three or four feet above the ground, and for a moment one was at a loss for an explanation of this exceptional altitude, till ruts immediately beneath suggested that the door was used solely for the passage of articles and persons to and from the level of a vehicle standing on the outside.

He now discovered that his coat had caught in half-a-dozen fish hooks attached to an eel line all tangled up in the framework. It took him fully two minutes to get free. Andy climbed over the window sill and stood fumbling his cap. His old awe of his dictatorial relative was as strong as ever within him. "Can't you sit down?" she demanded, sinking to a chair herself and facing him steadily.

"Is it true that she is only playing with me as she plays with the others?" but the pain was too keen, and turning away with a sigh, he rested his elbows on the sill of the window and looked out at the moving wheel under the gauzy shadows.

Then, he went to his window, pushed open the little, old blinds made of massive chestnut wood painted in olive, and leaned on his elbows, placed on the sill of the thick wall, to look at the clouds or at the sun of the new morning. What he saw, around his house, was green, green, magnificently green, as are in the spring all the corners of that land of shade and of rain.

"Not yet, but the agent over to Fort Sill has a tip that they are putting on paint." "What's the trouble?" "Somethin' about beef issue. The last cows issued to the Injuns were no good, an' the Injuns made a kick, an' the agent told them to go to the deuce. Old Flatnose an' his son Moonface, the Apache chiefs, have always been bad actors, an' now they are tryin' to scare up a muss."

Let them destroy each other's navies, we can construct ours with the wrecks of their vessels; when we shall save our money to buy nails." "Oh, how paltry and mean is all this that you are telling me, monsieur le cardinal!" "Yes, but nevertheless it is true, sire; you must confess that. Sill further.

A loud "Whoop!" from the direction of the window brought them both to their feet. The room was upon the second floor of the house, and opposite the window to which their attention had been attracted was a large tree, a branch of which spread to within a few feet of the sill.

At sight of the basket, for some reason Father Pat suddenly seemed anxious; and as Johnnie drew it to the window sill, the priest pried himself up out of the big chair. "Shure, 'tis divvlement!" he pronounced. "Yet still 'tis grand! Only keep 'em all right there, lad dear, and I'll come over t' be introduced." Proudly and impressively Johnnie proffered first his Aladdin.