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It laughed because the big policeman, unconquerable, had made another intrepid dash for the centre of the wheel and fallen upon his stomach as upon a huge india-rubber ball. The audience did more than laugh it shrieked, yelled, and guffawed. The performance to be witnessed was worth ten times the price of entry.

For all answer, he indicated Léon to her with a fiendish laugh. "The guillotine is waiting for him," he repeated. "No, no, no! He shall not leave this house. I will save him!" she cried. "Yes; I will kill anyone who lays a finger upon him! Why will you not save him?" she shrieked aloud; her eyes were blazing, her hair unbound. "Can you save him?" "I can do everything." "Why do you not save him?"

To-night I'll send a letter to Chris Holtzmann, 897 Sherman Street, Chicago, and tell him a few things he wants to know, and " "You dare!" almost shrieked Mr. Woodward. "Write a single word to him and I'll I'll " "So! ho! You're afraid of him, are you?" "No, I'm not, but what's the use of letting him know anything?" "Humph! Do you suppose I'd tell him without pay? Not much!

Ever the queens and the ladies wept and shrieked, that it was pity to hear. And as soon as Sir Bedivere had lost the sight of the barge he wept and wailed, and so took the forest, and he went all that night; and in the morning he was ware betwixt two ancient cliffs of a chapel and an hermitage, and he was glad. When he came into the chapel he saw a hermit praying by a tomb new graven.

'There's time after school, she faltered. 'What! shrieked Mrs. Beckenstein. 'And not give the fish time to get cold! It's that red mark again sooner than lose it you'd see your own sister eat hot fish. Be off at once to her, you unnatural brat, or I'll bang the frying-pan about your head. That'll give you a red mark yes, and a black mark, too!

Whoever it was that was trying to call for help was evidently terrified, and the terror of the cries sent a cold chill through every one who heard them. "It's burglars," shrieked Lloyd, sitting up in bed. "Papa Jack! They're in Joyce's room! They're trying to strangle her! Papa Jack!" Lights glimmered in every room, and doors flew open along the hall.

"Bread! beef! beer!" almost shrieked Deborah, "when she knows the colonel man had the last of our beer; beef we have not seen for two Christmases, and bread, there's barely enough for my lady and the children, till we bake." "Well, whatever there is, then," said Walter, anxious to get rid of her.

No more the great crates with yellow straw showing through, stood in stacks by the packing shed. No more the drays drawn by great horses rolled down the hill with a high load. No more the pottery-lasses in their clay-coloured overalls, their faces and hair splashed with grey fine mud, shrieked and larked with the men. All that was over.

He was thrashing about in the grass, twisting his shuddering body into many strange postures. He was screaming loudly. This instant's hesitation seemed to fill him with a tremendous, fantastic contempt, and he damned them in shrieked sentences. The youth's friend had a geographical illusion concerning a stream, and he obtained permission to go for some water.

The ladies shrieked, being frightened: at first they were in despair, but, after reflection, they evinced some intention of plundering the house. Villebecque, who was absent at the moment, arrived in time; and everybody became orderly and broken-hearted. The body had been removed to Monmouth House, where it had been embalmed and laid in state. The funeral was not numerously attended.