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Unaccustomed as she was, however, to this mode of travelling, the high-spirited young Queen resisted all the entreaties of those about her, who were anxious that she should land until the wind had moderated, simply remarking that the King had given no directions to that effect; and retaining, amid all the dismay and discomfort by which she was surrounded, not only her self-command, but even her cheerfulness.

"Papa" said Daisy, slowly, trying for words and perhaps also for self-command "mamma was displeased with me because I " "What?" "Papa because I did what she did not like at dinner." "At dinner? what was that?" The child lifted her eyes now to her father's face, a little wistfully. "Papa don't you know? I was only praying a minute." Mr.

Her young mistress, accustomed to similar exhibitions of affection, soothed her with blandishments and assurances that soon restored her self-command, when the dialogue was resumed with a greater appearance of tranquillity on the part of the nurse.

He's going north, as he said, and guessed I ought to help mother right here while he's away. You see, we haven't got Alec now." "No." The smile passed out of Kars' eyes. The girl's final words shocked him momentarily out of his self-command. There was one other at least who held his breath for what was to follow that curt negative. But Bill Brudenell need have had no fear.

"Eat," replied Lone Wolf sententiously, pointing of the bowl wa-nsa. "You will need your strength." Dick's heart fell at these words despite all his self-command. "My time's come," he thought.

His heart became lead, and the awful conviction got hold of him that the most woeful affliction of all had come upon them, and that his betrothed was lost irrecoverably. But the sight of the anguish of the parent when he turned about and faintly gasped, "Where is my child?" brought the self-command of the young man back.

And there we had need of all our self-command, to conceal our joy in finding those gates open to us, which we had looked through so fondly when we were last here, and to spy Moll, in a stately gown, on the fine terrace before this noble house, carrying herself as if she had lived here all her life, and Don Sanchez walking very deferential by her side.

These separations are certainly sad things; but I have too good an opinion of your sense and your self-command to suppose that you will set the gratification of even your dearest and most cherished feelings against the solid interests of the family who depend upon you, and of whom you are the head.

Beatrice seemed to be holding her breath. Her face was marble. She sat unmoving. 'You mean, she said at length, 'that those letters represented more than you were willing to confess? It was calmly asked. Evidently Wilfrid had no outbreak of resentment to fear. He would have preferred it to this dreadful self-command. 'More, he answered, 'than I felt at the time.

She knew what was within it well enough, and her self-command was forsaking her. It was almost more than she could bear. It was as though Beatrice were wreaking vengeance on her, instead of her destroying her rival as she had meant to do, sooner or later. Beatrice took the thing from her, opened it, gazed at it a moment, and put it again into Unorna's hands.