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Perhaps no weakness would be so likely to excite his contempt, as to be a witness of so complete an absence of self-command, as the untutored negro manifested on this occasion. As soon as our first curiosity and interest were a little abated, we applied ourselves to the necessary duty of breaking our fasts.

As for Ithuel himself, he had not observed his usual caution; but, unknown to himself, the oily wine had more "granite" in it than he imagined, and then he seldom spoke of the abuse of impressment without losing more or less of his ordinary self-command.

His eyes are naturally rather light in colour, but agitation or anger gives them a darker and more fiery glance; he has a custom also of drawing in his lips when much moved, which implies a combat between native ardour of temper and the habitual power of self-command.

He crossed to the window, giving the man time to regain his self-command. "Well, what about Nan?" Roger demanded at last harshly. "When's she coming?" Barry faced round to the bed again. "I came to talk to you about Nan," he replied with reluctance. "But " "Talk away, then!" "Well, it's very difficult to say what I have to tell you.

The more timid among the passengers lost self-command. Some fell on their knees, and with bitter cries implored God to have mercy on them. Others took passionate farewell of each other, or sat clinging to each other in the silence of despair.

I shall take the chariot in which you came down and fresh horses, but I will send them back to you from London. God bless you, Edward. I dare not speak of my feelings to you now, lest I should lose the strength and self-command I need so much. God bless you.

And Sydney," she continued, laying her hand on his arm, and whispering so that her father should not hear, "it may be only a threat, but a man was here this morning, who said he should come to-morrow and take the things away." When he heard this, Sydney lost his self-command, and spoke certain words for which he never quite forgave himself.

"Ah, ah!" said D'Artagnan, without his self-command being able to prevent a blush from mounting to his eyes "you know that also, sire?" "Yes, I know it." The king possessed a piercing glance and an infallible judgment, when it was his object to read men's minds. "You have something to say," said he to the musketeer, "something to say which you do not say.

Such self-command has its beauty; but it’s no great help for a man with such fateful eyes. I could see he was moved in his correct, restrained way, and in his own way, too, he tried to move me with something that would be very simple.

"No offence, I hope, Ma'am; none meant, certainly. Wish you good-afternoon, Ma'am. Call and see you again some day, and hope to find you better." Would he find her better? While the mystery remained, while the ruin of her hopes impended, what could restore to her the cheerfulness, the courage, the self-command she had lost?