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"Lord bless you, yes! and a very good husband I had, poor man! But he's dead these many years; and if you had not taken me, I must have gone to the workhus." "He is dead! Wasn't it very hard to live after that, Sarah?" "The Lord strengthens the hearts of widders!" observed Sarah, sanctimoniously. "Did you marry your brother, Sarah?" said Fanny, playing with the corner of her apron.

To such a disgusting degree of depravity do we see those stock operations carried that members of the Church of high standing offer, when 'cornered, to betray their brother 'pals, and, in their forgetfulness of the morality to which they sanctimoniously listen every Sunday, state that 'all they care about is to look out for number one. A manager of a great corporation is requested to issue bonds of his company without authority, offering 'to buy the bonds if you are caught, or buy the bonds with the understanding not to pay for them unless you are caught. This attempted fiscal operation, however, did not work, and resulted in a good proof of the old adage that it requires 'a rogue to catch a rogue.

Nothing, for it, is sacred enough to be inviolate. For Spinoza discovered it sanctimoniously enshrined even in the Sacred Scriptures. As he brilliantly shows us in the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, the prophets' ideas about God tell us more about the prophets than about God. The far-reaching significance of Spinoza's propositions is one of their most remarkable characteristics.

Rough men pass away, hard men "go West" with a smile of peace upon their pain-tortured lips if the padre can get to them in time for the parting word, the cheerful, colloquial "best o' luck." Does the padre come to us and sanctimoniously pronounce our eternal doom should he hear us swear?

You Segfried, owe me some reparation for this morning's temporary defection, and to you, therefore, do I trust the carrying out of my plans. There was always something of the monk about you, Segfried, and you will yet end your days sanctimoniously in a monastery, unless you are first hanged at Treves or knocked on the head during an assault.

The former class ignore the claims of the physical, and gather their robes together sanctimoniously indicating: "Avaunt, lest my purity be contaminated"; while the latter laugh their spiritual pride and fastidiousness to scorn. The war goes on between good and evil, whereas there is really no just ground for difference.

We permit our enormous foreign population to see us at our legislative work; and then we go proudly and sanctimoniously to restaurants and allow Italian, German and French waiters to pour red wine into our demi-tasses. Oh, we are not in our cups only in our half-cups. It would all be very amusing were it not so terribly serious.

"/One/ apology will suffice; these hyperboles of phrase are almost sinful." "Confounded old prig!" thought Ferrers; but he bowed sanctimoniously. "My dear uncle, I have been a wild fellow in my day; but with years comes reflection; and under your guidance, if I may hope for it, I trust to grow a wiser and a better man."

Thousands and thousands of men have lain in our hospitals deprived, by the criminal insanity of party politicians, of the infinite consolation of books. Christ, whom all these politicians sanctimoniously pretend to make such a fuss of, once said that a house divided against itself cannot stand.

I think you are becoming superstitious." He watched her closely to see what effect the speech would produce. She looked up quickly. "Am I? What is superstition?" "Gratuitous belief in things not proved." "I expected a different definition from you." "What did you expect me to say?" "That superstition is belief." "I am not a heathen," observed Keyork sanctimoniously. "Far from it," laughed Unorna.