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Neighbor after neighbor, under the guise of a friendly interest in the baby, took occasion to go over all the details of the first baby's life and death; and there was, in their manner to Sally, a certain new and pitying condescension which filled Hetty with wrath. "What a mercy 'tis, 'tis a boy," said one visitor sanctimoniously to Hetty, as they left Sally's room together.

"I may boast," he said sanctimoniously, "that I have never thus soiled my lips with drink or smoke ..." There was an approving murmur from the occupants of the drawing-room. William had met his father in the passage outside the drawing-room. Mr. Brown was wearing a hunted expression. "Can I go into the drawing-room?" he said bitterly, "or is he bleating away in there?" They listened.

Poor, deluded, hoodwinked souls! they are blinded by Satan. Their hands are red with blood, and their hearts are black as hell. Were they to ever approach the heaven of which they sanctimoniously prate, they would be met at the gate with the curse of murdered infants who never saw the light.

He represents only an extreme section of it, if at this time of day he really represents anybody a section which does the screaming sitting sanctimoniously at home, getting its information at second-hand through the papers, and never darkens the doors of a play-house at all. Moreover, you must remember that the public is master. There is no getting behind its verdict."

Involuntary bankruptcy found his sanctimonious old cashier'd been sanctimoniously lootin' the till for eighteen years." He paused, and eyed his cigar. "Well, Mirabelle's cut more or less off the same piece. Lord, I wish she could go through some kind of bankruptcy, if 't would shake her up like it did father." "It shook him up, did it?" inquired Henry, fidgeting.

"They say he is banished, but he has sent me money, bless him! though I touch none of it, lest it be badly come by." Trois-Echelles stopped fumbling his beads and advanced towards her, extending his hand. "Give it to me to spend on masses?" he asked sanctimoniously. Petit-Jean danced between them. "Lend it to me for drink money," he urged. The old woman paid no heed to their proposals.

If it was a hymn now! but you hear it's all nonsense about the swallows. Ach y fi! she is learning them from Sara ''spridion'; some song of the 'old fathers' in past times!" "Yes," said Jos, sanctimoniously clasping his stubby fingers, "I'm afraid the girl is a bit of a heathen. What wonder is it?

To Hind's command of 'Stand and deliver! duly enforced with a loaded pistol, the ineffable Peters replied with ox-eye sanctimoniously upturned: 'Thou shalt not steal; let him that stole, steal no more, adding thereto other variations of the eighth commandment.

"'Tis not for a clerk of the parish to have too great a knack at the weapons of the flesh," said Peter, sanctimoniously, and turning aside to conceal a slight confusion at the unlucky reminiscence of his warlike exploits; "But lauk, Sir, even as to that, why we has frightened all the robbers away. What would you have us do more?" "Upon my word, Peter, you say right; and now, good day.

But in this way I gained a knowledge of what is going on under the surface of our life, whether we choose to ignore it or not, which possibly can only come to those who are set apart to be confessors of their kind; and the conclusion was forced upon me that this evil, in one form or another, is more or less everywhere in our nurseries, in our public, and still more our private, schools, decorously seated on magisterial benches, fouling our places of business, and even sanctimoniously seated in our places of worship.