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Processions and brass bands, rough fellows collected by Lincoln's managers, rowdies imported from New York by Seward's, filled the streets with noise; and the saloon keepers did good business. Yet the actual Convention consisted of grave men in an earnest mood. Besides Seward and Chase and Lincoln, Messrs.

"I'm so glad to see you again." Austen said something which he felt was entirely commonplace and inadequate to express his own sentiments, while Alice gave him an uncertain bow, and Mrs. Pomfret turned her glasses upon him. "You remember Mr. Vane," said Victoria; "you met him at Humphrey's." "Did I?" answered Mrs. Pomfret. "How do you do? Can't something be done to punish those rowdies?"

The rest of the mob was composed of the very scum of the settlement the drunken boatmen whom I had used to see gossiping in front of the "groceries," and other dissipated rowdies of the place. Not one respectable planter appeared upon the ground not one respectable man! For what had they stopped in the glade? I was impatient to be taken before the justice, and chafed at the delay.

Ballard? and you might as well be dead as out of style, and would Lehman, the Square Tailor, be able to make up anything like that one there? but no, because how would he get your measure? and surely no modest woman could give him hers even if she did take it herself anyway, you'd be insulted by all the street rowdies as you rode by, to say nothing of being ogled by men without a particle of fineness in their natures but there's always something to be said on both sides, and it's time woman came into her own, anyway, if she is ever to be anything but man's toy for his idle moments still it would never do to go to extremes in a narrow little town like this with every one just looking for an excuse to talk but it would be different if all the best people got together and agreed to do it, only most of them would probably back out at the last moment and that smarty on the Recorder would try to be funny about it now that one with the long coat doesn't look so terrible, does it? or do you think so? of course it's almost the same as a skirt except when you climb on or something a woman has to think of those things wouldn't Daisy Estelle look rather stunning in that? she has just the figure for it.

In Rome, rowdies bore down upon Susan, who was taking the admission fee of ten cents, brushed her aside, "big cloak, furs, and all," and rushed to the platform where they sang, hooted, and played cards until the speakers gave up in despair. Syracuse, well known for its tolerance and pride in free speech, now greeted them with a howling drunken mob armed with knives and pistols and rotten eggs.

The party beneath, now more apparent in the light of the dawn, consisted of our old acquaintances, Tom Loker and Marks, with two constables, and a posse consisting of such rowdies at the last tavern as could be engaged by a little brandy to go and help the fun of trapping a set of niggers. "Well, Tom, yer coons are farly treed," said one.

"There is some truth in what he says," added the sheriff, looking at the squire. "Agree among yourselves first," said the Irish peasant, "before you commence to convert Catholics. Convert the rowdies that crowd your village and city tavern bar rooms before you extend your zeal to those who are in no need of it, or on whom it will be all spent in vain.

She huddled in a corner of the big undressing-room where the nymphs prepared for their task. The young rowdies kept peeking over her shoulder and snatching at her letter, but when finally she read it aloud to them as a punishment and a triumph, they were stricken with awe. It ran thus: Pretty maid, pretty maid, may I call you "Anita"? Your last name is sweet, but your first name is sweeter.

Indeed, in San Francisco, as soon as it was demonstrated that the real power had passed from the City Hall to the committee room, the same set of bailiffs, constables, and rowdies that had infested the City Hall were found in the employment of the "Vigilantes;" and, after three months experience, the better class of people became tired of the midnight sessions and left the business and power of the committee in the hands of a court, of which a Sydney man was reported to be the head or chief-justice.

"That accounts for the whole bunch of them," Max was saying to himself, and at the same time endeavoring to figure out how he could give the three rowdies a scare that would send them flying down the river, not to come back again. Max thought he saw a way of accomplishing this much-to-be-desired end.