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Dave's mother and sisters were fastidious, and Dave found himself, even at fourteen, resenting coarseness. He, therefore, chose the "nice fellows" as associates, and made friends to his liking in books. We must not think of him as "prissy" or snobbish, but he distinctly disliked crudity however expressed, and this dislike grew and was strengthened by his increasing devotion to the aesthetic.

The pictures, the bowls of roses, all the inanimate things she had grown to look upon as friends it seemed to her to-night that they looked coldly to her, resenting her presence as an interloper; and in one queer, horrible flash of insight Toni seemed to visualize the woman who should have been the châtelaine of Greenriver a tall, dignified, beautiful woman, with the bearing of a princess....

Miss Skillern again inclined her plumes. With the rest of her immobile she was surprisingly like one of those fat china figures with a nodding head. Linda was assaulted by the familiar bewildered feeling of not understanding what was said and, at the same time, passionately resenting it from an inner sensitive recognition of something wrong. "How could I have that?" she finally asked.

Besides I had a cause, which you shall see; a letter that would cool love's hottest fires, and turn it to devotion; by heaven it was such a check such a surprise but you yourself shall judge, if after that I could say less, than bid eternally farewell to love at least to thee but I recanted soon; one sad dear word, one soft resenting line from thee, gained love the day again, and I despised the censures of the duller world: yes, yes, and I confessed you had overcome, and did this merit no reply?

Later in the afternoon, as we sat in the state-room of the car that was bearing us eastward, Maude began to cry. I sat looking at her helplessly, unable to enter into her emotion, resenting it a little. Yet I tried awkwardly to comfort her. "I can't bear to leave them," she said. "But you will see them often, when we come back," I reassured her.

Numitor would not punish him himself, fearing his brother's anger, but went to Amulius and desired justice, as he was Amulius's brother and was affronted by Amulius's servants. The men of Alba likewise resenting the thing, and thinking he had been dishonorably used, Amulius was induced to deliver Remus up into Numitor's hands, to use him as he thought fit.

He wished that his father, who believed so in the talent of his countrymen, could see it. Suddenly, while he was still resenting the familiarity of the constable, his ears were assailed by the cry of a dog in pain; some street-rat had kicked him. Instantly Oliver was on his feet. A small spaniel was running toward him, followed by half a dozen boys who were pelting him with stones.

His nose, which was apparently suffering from sympathetic inflammation, he left to take care of itself, that organ bitterly resenting any treatment whatsoever.

He gave the men no further attention, for he did not suspect the new-comer had anything to impart of interest to him. The boy felt more like resenting this interference with the momentous business he and the guide had on hand. But Jack was mistaken. Hardly was he a hundred feet from the couple when Hazletine asked: "What's up, Bill?" "One of them young tenderfeet is missing, eh?"

"What fury did these sudden broils engage, How have their guiltless hands deserv'd your rage? No Paris a stol'n dame to Troy conveys, No witch Media here her brother slays: But slighted love must needs resenting be: And midst the waves who is the raging he Now rob'd of arms that can attempt my fate? By whom is simple death so little thought?