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So long as the position you assumed towards me only bore on our own relations, I acquiesced: you had so much more to lose than I could gain by resenting your hidden antagonism. I held you, so to speak, in the hollow of my hand; I could afford to pass over it all. Moreover, I had chosen my own path, which was nothing if not peaceful.

All this was pleasant to think about at first; but there came a time when my mind was chiefly occupied in resenting Titherington's thoughtlessness. He had no right to go off on a long expedition without leaving me the key of the bag in which we kept the champagne.

Delvile listened to her account with almost an agony of attention, now admiring her conduct; now resenting her ill usage; now compassionating her losses; but though variously moved by different parts, receiving from the whole the delight he most coveted in the establishment of her innocence.

He replaced them in their paper bags, and being a very absent-minded man, he slipped the bags into the tail pocket of his clerical frock-coat. The queen-bees, naturally resenting the pressure, stung him through the cloth on that portion of his anatomy immediately nearest to their temporary prison. Dr. Cumming yelled with pain, and began skipping all round the room.

The area of their wanderings would be fixed by the existence of other groups; for such groups would almost certainly be mutually hostile to each other, watchfully resenting any intrusion on their own feeding ground. A further, and more powerful, cause of hostility would arise from the sexual antagonism of the males.

I could see he was sizing me up, and I knew he wanted some of my mutton, so I said to him: "We have all had a drink but you; won't you join me?" He replied, "I can buy my own drinks, and you can go to h l." I did not reply to him, but walked out into the cabin. He followed me out, for he knew he had me afraid of him by my not resenting the insult.

He wondered whether there were any reason for the unvarying sameness of these details. "Of course I came," he said. "And as there was time to-day, I came at once." He spoke rather coldly, still resenting her former behaviour and expecting that she would immediately say what she wanted of him.

Well, now, look here, I've had a talk with a man I know, about Honolulu, and I've got all sorts of things to tell you. Dinner? Very glad; I'm precious hungry. About the middle of December, Alma Frothingham left England, burning with a fever of impatience, resenting all inquiry and counsel, making pretence of settled plans, really indifferent to everything but the prospect of emancipation.

As he stared at her an impulse of rage ran through him, resenting the wreck of anything so beautiful rage against Ashe, who must surely be somehow responsible. "Aren't you wandering too far, Lady Kitty?" His voice shook under the restraint he put upon it. "You seem tired very tired and you are perhaps farther from your gondola than you think." "I am not tired." He hesitated.

Remembering the past, listening to this explanation of the present, you may imagine, if you can, what his sensations must have been. He, who had held up his head, in his haughty Yorke spirit, ready to spurn Arthur for the suspicion cast upon him, ready to believe that he was guilty, resenting it upon Constance, had now to stand and learn that the guilt lay in his family, not in theirs.