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"That infernal redskin is going to do that again," ejaculated Jonathan. It was indeed true. That same small bright light could be seen coming down the road gathering headway with every second. No doubt the same Indian, emboldened by his success, and maddened with that thirst for glory so often fatal to his kind, was again making the effort to fire the block-house. The eyes of Col.

I wouldn't say so while that poor fellow's listening, but the chance is a desperate poor one, and I think we'll be mighty lucky ef we don't leave all our scalps in that 'ere redskin village." The traps were soon placed in the canoes, and just as the sun burst out the three boats started. It was a long and toilsome journey.

"Besides," said Ian, "the redskin does not dream now of pursuit; so that, pressing on as we do, we must overtake him ere long." "Voila, de buffalo!" said Rollin, pointing to a group of these huge creatures, in the midst of which two bulls were waging furious war, while the cows stood by and looked on. "Shall ve go an' chase dem?"

If the Indian tongue contained an execration, it may well be imagined that a most vigorous one escaped the lips of the baffled redskin, who was shut out from his prize at the moment of closing his fingers upon it.

But, between the red man and the white, contiguity has brought about little more than an exchange of vices. Almost the only things coveted by the "redskin" from the "paleface," were his arms, his trinkets, and his "firewater." He could appreciate whatsoever gave him superiority in war, gratified his childish vanity, or ministered to his brutal appetite.

Presently he came flying back around the bend of the creek, with three or four Indians in hot pursuit. The lieutenant, with his squad of soldiers, charged upon them. They turned and ran across the stream. "This will not do," said Ward, when the last redskin had disappeared. "The whole village will know the soldiers are near by." "Lieutenant," said I, "give me that note.

"If a redskin got you here," said Tom, when she had slipped back, "he'd fetch you to Nick-a-jack Cave." "What's that?" she demanded. "Where all the red and white and yellow scalawags over the mountains is gathered," he answered.

Whether pure redskin or breed it was impossible for them to tell; certainly there was no visible evidence of a white admixture; but in spite of his strange and savage air, there was something instantly likeable about the young man according to Natalie he was the first native they had met who seemed human. He rode a fine black horse as bravely accoutred as would become the captain of a round-up.

"Yes, they did know yesterday; but now, because their stomachs are not quite full, they're ready to admit that every redskin is an imitation angel." "Think you they can badger the colonel?" Jacob asked, thoughtfully, thus repeating my question in different words. "I will say to you as I did to Noel, that they're like to get the rough end of it before drivin' him into a mistake.

"Drop little gun!" added the Sioux, who never wavered in keeping his rifle pointed at the chest of the young man. Fred withdrew his revolver and flung it at his feet. He was now without a single firearm. An infant could not have been more helpless. As yet he had not spoken a word. He recalled the warning of Jack Dudley, and knew the ferocious hatred this vagrant redskin held toward him.