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'I very near said I saw them laid; onyway, I saw the hens that laid them. Ye'll hae an egg, eh? 'Yes, if ye like. I havena tasted since eleeven this morning, an' then it was only a dram, said Liz languidly. Teen stood still on the little strip of rag-carpet before the fender, and regarded her friend with a mingling of horror and pity.

Stooping, she began to trace his outline on the dull rag-carpet, speaking monotonously as she worked: "Gordon Lee Surrender Jones, I command all the aches an' the pains, all the miseries an' fool notions, includin' the cricket in yer leg, to pass outen yer real body into this heah image on the floor. Keep yer head still, nigger!

So now he is going to walk to Cincinnati to see him. He knows he will not be turned away if he can once meet his son, face to face. He was very tired when he stopped here, and he has ever and ever so far to walk yet, you know, and so after I had given him something to eat, I let him lie down in the outer kitchen, on that roll of rag-carpet that is there. I spread it out for him.

In those humble floor-coverings her knowing eyes recognized her first clocked stockings and Phoebe's baby cloak. There was her brother Robert's wool tippet embalmed in loving loops with the remnants of his wife's best Sunday-go-to-meetin' ribbons. These two had long been dead, but their sister's loving eyes recreated them in rag-carpet dreams wherein she lived again those by-gone days.

"Oh, but I Intended it for your wedding dress! You mind, I told you?" "Wedding dress!" Elsie laughed. "Why, Arabella, it might have been worn into rag-carpet strips before I'd need it!" "But I thought it seemed to me, he he always acts as if he liked you so awful, Elsie." "He? Who? Do you mean Lauchie McKitterick or Sawed-Off Wilmott, or Sandy McQuarry, or whom do you mean, Arabella Winters?"

The rich lived in great magnificence, with rushes on the floor, which were changed every few weeks. Beautiful tapestry similar to the rag-carpet of America adorned the walls and prevented ventilation. Glass had been successfully made in France and introduced into England.

"I make a sort of rag-carpet of the odd minutes," she had once explained to a friend who wondered at her turning to her needlework in the moment's interval between other tasks. Amherst threw himself wearily into a chair. "I was trying to find out something about Dillon's case," he said. His mother turned a quick glance toward the door, rose to close it, and reseated herself. "Well?"

The plush bodice she had worn that day danced before her eyes. She knew how horribly ugly it was. Her fingers ran over the patchwork quilt on her bed; and although she could not see it, she loathed it, because she knew it was a painful mess of colours. With a little touch of dramatic extravagance, she leaned over and down, and drew her fingers contemptuously along the rag-carpet on the floor.

Its walls were of unplaned plank occasionally failing to meet, and the only covering to the floor was a dingy strip of rag-carpet. The bed was a cot, shapeless, and propped up on one side by the iron leg of some veranda bench, while the open window looked out into the street.

We are in such an old house that I suppose I shall begin to look and act like my great-grandmother. But no more theories to- night nothing but rest and the wood fire." She soon joined me at the hearth again. Merton meanwhile had stretched himself on the rag-carpet, with his overcoat for a pillow, and was in dreamless sleep. My wife's eyes were full of languor.