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"I was just out for exercise, with no special place in mind where I wished to go, and I should ever so much rather have you as a companion." It was on the tip of Polly's tongue to exclaim, "But I would so much rather not have you!" However, she suddenly recalled having promised Mollie to be as polite to Billy as she could and not to bear malice any longer. So she merely shook her head.

"And you should see the wonderful dresses I've brought from Paris," Helen went on. "Oh, Daddy, I tell you I shall be glorious! Aunt Polly's going to invite a lot of people at her house next week to meet me, and I'm going to wear the reddest of red, red dresses, and just shine like a lighthouse!"

I want to ride in the big parade! I want to live and die just die as circus folks die! I want to go back! I want to go back!" She put out one trembling hand to Jim and rushed quickly through the gate laughing and sobbing hysterically and calling to him to follow. LONELY days followed Polly's desertion of the parsonage.

On the opposite seat of the railway carriage was Laura Fountain an open book upon her knee that she was not reading. She made no answer, however, to Polly's remark; the impression left by her attitude was that she took no interest in it. Miss Fountain herself hardly seemed to have profited much by that Westmoreland air whereof the qualities were to do so much for Augustina.

Calooh! Callay!" He chortled in his joy. Polly's birthday dawned auspiciously. At six o'clock she was kissed out of a sound sleep by Bell and Margery, and the three girls slipped on their wrappers, and prepared to run through the trees for a morning plunge in Mirror Pool. Although it was August there was still water enough in Minnehaha Brook to give one a refreshing dip.

I am also known by the briefer and pleasanter name of this little lady's 'dad, and it is in that official capacity I am here to-day. It seems this little girl of mine met your boys a few days ago at Beach Cliff, where they rendered her most valuable service." "One it was only one of them, dad!" corrected Miss Polly's silvery voice. "It was only Dan Dolan who caught my bird and and "

THERE was something about Aunt Polly's manner, when she kissed Tom, that swept away his low spirits and made him lighthearted and happy again. He started to school and had the luck of coming upon Becky Thatcher at the head of Meadow Lane. His mood always determined his manner. Without a moment's hesitation he ran to her and said: "I acted mighty mean to-day, Becky, and I'm so sorry.

Without a word he disappeared in an adjoining room, while his wife lifted the stove cover, to see if his tasks had been faithfully performed. Polly's forlorn hope vanished with the little man; but no tears came until she was on her pillow, shut from all eyes. Then they gushed forth in a flood. The Return Polly was awakened early by clashing talk.

She glanced up wonderingly. "Why he is nice, and being Polly's brother makes it well, more familiar. Then we can talk about Anthony. I believe he didn't like him much at first, but he does now." Oh, how could he put her on her guard! She was not dreaming of love. Saltonstall's fancy had died out no doubt this would, too. Lad's love. Was it worth ruffling up the sunny artlessness?

'Yes; he will come, cried Rose; 'and he shall ride home with me and my friend Drummond; and he shall have my groom's horse, if he doesn't mind. Bob can ride home in the cart with Polly, my maid; and he'll like that, because Polly's always good fun when they're not in love with her. Then, of course, she torments them. 'Naturally, said the Countess. Mr.