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Ye're haverin' like a daft loon, ony way." "You will make a memento of this slight transaction, boys, and per'aps the schoolmaster will write it down," said Bill.

"You'll per'aps mention, miss," said Tildy, taking the letter from her pocket, "as I called, and as I love our dear Miss Maggie as much as I ever did. You'll per'aps say, miss, with my dutiful respects, that my 'eart is 'ers, and always will be." "I will give her a kind message," said Aneta, "and safely deliver her mother's letter to her.

A birthday c'est une chose bien serieuse, voyons. Who knows? Per'aps you never 'ave another chance and then you 'ave remorse 'orrible, terrible remorse. Or do you never 'ave remorse either, Monsieur le docteur?" "No not yet." "You must not run ze risk, then." He thought savagely. "If I had a diamond stud she would make me give it her."

"Come along any time," replied Mills cheerfully as he slung his boots across his shoulders. "You don't think that island's a quicksand, eh?" The Frenchman turned and stared at it. "I do' know," he answered. "Per'aps. You goin' to try, eh?" "Yes, I'll have a shot at it. You can mos'ly trust yourself on 'em if you walk light an' quick. But we'll see." The Frenchman watched him as he waded out.

I've I've been invalided, an' what with that, an' visitin' my family 'ome at Lewes, per'aps I've come late. 'Ave I?" "You've 'ad all that's good for you," said Tom Wessels, as the Red Marine sat cross-legged on the floor. "There are those 'oo haven't 'ad a thing yet!" cried a voice by the door. "I will take this Archimandrite" I said, "and this Marine.

"You 'eard ... I 'olds by w'at I said." "I am to understand, then, you think it time for me to abdicate and let another lead you in my stead?" The Englishman assented with an inarticulate monosyllable and a surly nod. "And may one ask why?" "Blue's plice in Pekin Street was r'ided this afternoon," Seven announced truculently. "But per'aps you didn't know "

"I give what I 'ave to give." "And take what you can get." "Like you, Monsieur le docteur." The absoluteness of his hatred made it possible for him to laugh with her. "My fees are fairly reasonable at any rate. I've helped some people for nothing." "Because you love them?" "No." "C'est dommage aussi. You should love someone. It is much 'ealthier. I love everyone. Per'aps I love too much.

But per'aps if we keep them till they're ransomed, it means that we keep them till they're dead." "Now, that's something LIKE. That'll answer. Why couldn't you said that before? We'll keep them till they're ransomed to death; and a bothersome lot they'll be, too eating up everything, and always trying to get loose." "How you talk, Ben Rogers.

"Don't dance don't go to the theatre don't love no one don't get a leetle drunk sometimes? Never, never?" "No," he said scornfully. "Don't want to, hein?" "I hate that sort of thing." "Eh, bien, it's a good thing for my sort there are not too many of your sort, my friend. But per'aps it is not quite so bad as it seems, for you 'are come after all." "I had to," he thrust at her.

Per'aps you will like that. In the books men like it much. Would you like to whip me?" she demanded, her eyes sparkling as she threw herself over in the bed and looked up at him. Peter got up and moved away to the window. "No," he said shortly, staring out. He had a sensation of physical nausea, and it was as much as he could do to restrain himself.