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"The essence o' strategy bein' forethought, the essence o' tattics is surprise. Per'aps you didn't know that? My forethought 'avin' secured the initial advantage in attack, it remained for the old man to ladle out the surprise-packets. 'Eavens! What surprises!

"Pritchard blushed plum color to the short hairs of his seventeen-inch neck. "''Undreds, said Pyecroft. 'So've I. How many of 'em can you remember in your own mind, settin' aside the first an' per'aps the last and one more? "'Few, wonderful few, now I tax myself, said Sergeant Pritchard, relievedly. "'An' how many times might you 'ave been at Aukland? "'One two, he began.

"How many women have you been intimate with all over the world, Pritch?" Pritchard blushed plum colour to the short hairs of his seventeen-inch neck. "'Undreds," said Pyecroft. "So've I. How many of 'em can you remember in your own mind, settin' aside the first an' per'aps the last and one more?" "Few, wonderful few, now I tax myself," said Sergeant Pritchard, relievedly.

"It's nothing she's upset with something she's eaten and I was there with her ten minutes per'aps, and when I came back I found your Father in a fit. A convulsion, the doctor says it was; he said all along he might have them, but I thought he was better. And he's had another this evening, and he hasn't come round out of it right. He doesn't know me, Ranny." He had nothing to say to her.

"Yes. No that is, we were expecting Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler, but I wish you would telephone them that I am quite ill not very, you understand a bad cold, I think, would be best. Something to keep me to my room for the day." "Very good, ma'am. Was there anything else?" "No oh yes ask Mrs. Abby to have the Louis Seize room made ready, will you?" "Very good and some flowers, per'aps, I suppose."

"Look here," began Pritchard, half rising. "I'm sure we're very grateful to you as a gentleman for your 'orspitality, but per'aps we may 'ave made an error in " I looked at Pyecroft for aid, Hooper was crimsoning rapidly.

"That's not so," said Pritchard, mildly. "Not verbatim per'aps, but the look in the eye came to the same thing." "Where was it?" I demanded. "Just on beyond here at Kalk Bay. She was slappin' a rug in a back verandah. Pritch hadn't more than brought his batteries to bear, before she stepped indoors an' sent it flyin' over the wall." Pyecroft patted the warm bottle.

The officer looked at him with mingled surprise and suspicion. "'Is Majesty is sojournin' at Marlb'ro 'Ouse, just now," was the reply. "Per'aps you wants to make 'im a wissit," he continued, with lofty sarcasm. "That's it, exactly," said Rob. "I'm an American, and thought while I was in London I'd drop in on His Royal Highness and say 'hello' to him." The officer chuckled, as if much amused.

You're taking everything he has, and now he can go and hang himself. You're worse than a woman of the streets because you're more clever." She kissed her fingers at him in good-humoured farewell. "I like you ver' much quand meme," she said. "Next time I come and call on you, per'aps!"

'D'you think we ought to st'y at 'ome and wash the dishes? He laughed with good-natured shrewdness. 'Well, if they'd leave it to us once or twice per'aps we'd understand a little more about the Woman Question. I know w'y my wife isn't here. It's because she knows I can't cook, and she's 'opin' I can talk to some purpose. Yuss, he acknowledged another possible view, 'yuss, maybe she's mistaken.