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Updated: August 26, 2024

Them that are young and fascinatin' aren't the best of housekeepers, per'aps." Bessie stood silent for a minute, watching the vigorous rubbing of a dish-cover. "You go and change your frock," Emily said, glancing up at her. "Put on that black-and-white muslin you look your nicest in " "I ought to wear all black for a year, Emily." "You put on your black and white," coaxed Emily. Mrs.

Everychild was so amazed by this that he looked helplessly at Tom. "Precisely!" continued Old Mother Hubbard. Her son interrupted in great embarrassment, "Oh, mother, he doesn't even know what you mean!" "Per'aps not. You've not told him, then, that your mother is Vice-President of the Mother Goose Auxiliary of the Amalgamated Associations of Notable Ladies?"

"Well I 'ave 'ad good times always but per'aps they were ze best of all.

'Theer's a cupboard there, he said suddenly, raising his hand and pointing to the cupboard beside the fireplace. 'Is't anythin like the cupboard on th' stairs, John? 'Aye, 'tis! said John, startled and staring. 'Aye, 'tis, Muster Saunders! Saunders rose. 'Per'aps, he said slowly, 'Mrs. Costrell will do us the favour ov lettin us hexamine that 'ere cupboard? He walked across to it.

I don't know what time you go to bed here, but I may be a little late getting back." She fumbled in her pocket and produced a purse, from which she extricated the required article. "I'm not gen'rally in bed not much before midnight, sir," she said. "If you should be later per'aps you'd be kind enough to turn out the gas in the 'all. I'll send you up some 'ot water by the girl."

"In the wrong way," put in Uncle Felix, full of experience by now. The Policeman listened attentively, as though by rights he ought to enter these sentences laboriously in his notebook. "That's it, per'aps," he stated. "It takes 'em longer, but they finds out in the end. If I was to show 'em the right way of looking instead of arresting 'em I'd be reel!"

"They was hove overboard in quick time, an' that was what 'Op was lyin' to for. As subsequently transpired. "'Fine Arab arch to that cutter-cuddler's hinstep, he says to me. 'Run your eye over it, Pye, 'e says. 'Nails all present an' correct, 'e says. 'Bunion on the little toe, too, 'e says; 'which comes from wearin' a tight boot. What do you think? "'Dook in trouble, per'aps, I says.

Doggott hesitated, lowering his voice, his gaze shifting uneasily to the still, shrouded figure in the corner. "What?" demanded Amber tensely. "I alw'ys thought per'aps 'e was what we call in England a man of colour, 'imself, sir." "Doggott!"

I don't know what exact nature of sail you'd call 'em pyjama-stun'sles with a touch of Sarah's shimmy, per'aps but the riggin' of 'em an' all the supernumerary details, as you might say, bein' carried on through an' over an' between the cutter an' the forge an' the pork an' cleanin' guns, an' the Maxim class an' the Bosun's calaboose and the paintwork, was sublime. There's no other word for it.

'Per'aps yer'll go, he said, grimly. And the three went, without a word. So the husband and wife were left together in the cottage room.

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