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Updated: August 25, 2024

There's ownly fower raal sailors, as ye call's 'em, now aboard, barrin' Misther Mackay and the second mate; an' them's Adams over thar aft at the wheel, these two idle jokers here beside me, the ship's bhoy, an' thin mesilf though, faix, me modesty forbids me say'n it, sure!" "And are you really the only sailors on board?"

As I took the reins I remembered that it was noon and the horse's dinner-time: "Did the horse have his dinner, Haley?" "I just gave it to him, ma'am; and an ilegint dinner he had." "Why did you feed him just when I was about to drive him?" "Oh, well, it's not much he got." "He should have had nothing." "Faith, me lady, I ownly showed it to him."

"D'ye happen to know what's inside av an egg, now, whither it's a chicken, sure, or ownly the yoke an' white, till ye bhrake the shill?" "No," said I laughing. "But, we don't find chickens generally in our eggs at home." "Wait till ye thry one on shipboord," he retorted. "Still, ye can't deny now that ye don't know for sure what's insoide the shill till ye bhrake it, an' say for yoursilf eh?"

"I hope ye will, sorr," heartily echoed Tim. "I mint to riddle his carkiss an ownly winged him. The ugly black divil sames to kape a charmed loife, an' I dare say his ould frind below helps him, the nayghur!" Mr Mackay, however, was equally unsuccessful; for, as luck would have it, another of the pirates jumping up in front of the chief received the bullet intended for him.

"It's wonderful how you managed them." "Arrah, sure it's a way I've got wid me, honey," said he with a wink. Still, I could see he was pleased with my remark all the same, from the smile of contentment that overspread his face as he added: "Bless ye though, me darlint, sure an' it's ownly blarney arter all!" "And what is that?" I asked.

"I ownly filt him jist move once, whin I kicked him wid me fut unknowns to me, as I wor sayin' about stowin' the cable." "Dead men don't move," replied the captain sharply, the hands round grinning at the boatswain's Irish bull. "Some of you idlers there, go down and fetch this stowaway up and let us see what he's made of."

"Oh, fire yer bow-arreys!" he screamed. "Ye can't hit the side av a waggin. Ah, ye bloody, murtherin' nagers! go 'way wid yer long poles. I'd fight a hundred av the loikes av ye wid ownly a shillelah." One audacious thrust of a lance he parried very dexterously with his bayonet, at the same time screeching defiantly and scornfully in the face of his hideous assailant.

It was now Tim Rooney's turn, the captain wheeling round on him as soon as he'd done with Matthews. "Really, bosun," he said, "I didn't think a respectable man like you would encourage two boys to fight like that!" "Bedad it wor ownly to privint their bein' onfrindly, sorr," pleaded Tim, looking as much ashamed as his comical twinkling left eye would permit.

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