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"It's ownly his nasty timper, though; an' he vints it on them poor harmless things bekase he's too much av a coward to have it out wid them that angers him," replied Tim Rooney, adding, as another crash resounded from the distance: "Jist he'r him now. Bedad he's havin' a foine fling this toime, an' no misthake at all, at all!" "What is he doing?"

And if the masther HAS gone away, it's ownly takin' me money from the other divils down there that's drawin' it out and dividin' it betwixt and between them." Cissy had a very vague idea of what a "run on the bank" meant, but Norah's logic seemed to satisfy her feminine reason. She softened a little. "Mr.

Faather sez he wun't have his independence proposed upon; if th' don't give him twinty thousan' fur settin' toight here, he'll peach; but about th' mine, th' Ranger man iz expected t' make throuble, an' faather iz all powerful quick with his fist, sor, 'specially when he's in drink; an' he's t' be on hand. It ain't th' truth I'm tellin' y', sor; it's ownly what I've heerd."

"Your honour won't know me, bedad, in a wake's toime if I ownly git enough praties an' mate!" The doctor laughed outright at this; whereat, the somewhat demure sick- berth steward smiled grimly, allowing himself this slight indulgence amid the stormy austerities of duty, the only departure from the gravity he had all along displayed.

The old man's note read: We're going along to the Ridge to see that little Irish runt. If you chance back, will you happen along to see the old man. I'll keep her till six. "It ain't the truth I'm tellin' y': it's ownly what I've heerd."

Robb'd o' his ownly dowter an neaw woife to cheer him! Ey pity him fro' t' bottom o' my heart," said Bess, whose tears had flowed freely during the narration. "He is wellnigh crazed with grief," said the chirurgeon. "I hope he will commit no rash act."

"A sort of shark, I think. Father has one stuffed at home, stowed away somewhere, that looks like that chap. If so, he's a fox- shark." "A fox-shark, begorrah!" repeated Mick, with a grin. "Faith, Tom, he's goin' fur thet ould whale theer ez if he wor not ownly a fox, sure, but a pack of hounds as will, alannah!"

"Sure, sorr, there's nobody there," said Tim Rooney, who was on the main-deck below, just under the break of the poop. "There's divil a sowl botherin' the blissid pigs, sorr, as ye can say for y'rsilf. Faix, they're ownly contrary a bit, sorr, an' p'raps onaisy in their moind!" "Nonsense, man!" cried Captain Gillespie stamping his foot.

"It ain't the truth I'm tellin' y'": Lizzie was loquaciously going over the story for the twentieth time, "It ain't the truth I'm tellin' y', y' onderstand; it's ownly what I've heerd." The Ranger dropped out of the group at the Cabin. Bat stood bellicosely scowling at the three figures receding down the Ridge Trail. "What in Hell is that old parson doing with that Shanty Town kid?

"Arrah sure, sorr, the poor chap ownly did it to show his willin'ness to worruk his passige, sayin' as how Mr Mackay tould him ye'd blow him up for comin' aboard whin he came-to this arternoon, sorr," pleaded Tim, not perceiving, as I did, that all the captain's anger against the unfortunate stowaway had melted away by this time on learning that he had shown such courage.