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"Skulker has caught a little girl, sir," he replied; "and there's a lad here," he added, making a clutch at me, "who looks an out-and-outer! Very like the robbers were for putting them through the window to open the doors to the gang after all were asleep, that they might murder us at their ease. Hold your tongue, you foul-mouthed thief, you! you shall go to the gallows for this. Mr.

'My word! he said, 'that's a real picture of a horse; he's too good for a well these roads; he ought to be in Sydney carrying some swell about and never knowing what a day's hardship feels like. Isn't he a regular out-and-outer to look at? And they tell me his looks is about the worst of him. Well here's luck! Starlight had called for drinks all round before we started.

'Because it can't, says I, 'not no'ow, me lord, says I. Well, after cussin' 'isself well-nigh black in the face, 'e orders me to have it ready fust thing to-morra, and if you 'adn't found that there bolt for me it wouldn't have been ready fust thing to-morra, which would ha' been mighty bad for me, for this 'ere gentleman's a fire-and-fury out-and-outer, and no error."

He is a reserved kind of man who does not talk much; he patted me on the shoulder, sighed, and said, "Yes you are you understand yes it is true you are an out-and-outer!" By the by, can you recall the name of Freysingen the papa of the two pretty girls I mentioned? He says he knows you well, and that he studied with you.

"But it comes to me also that being such a real one such an out-and-outer his politeness may be so great that he may look another way, rather than peep and pry to see what the poor workhouse-company woman puts into the plate.

He is a thorough-bred Tory. Others boggle or are at fault in their career, or give back at a pinch, they split into different factions, have various objects to distract them, their private friendships or antipathies stand in their way; but he has never flinched, never gone back, never missed his way, he is an out-and-outer in this respect, his allegiance has been without flaw, like "one entire and perfect chrysolite," his implicit understanding is a kind of taffeta-lining to the Crown, his servility has assumed an air of the most determined independence, and he has

The name occupied their attention some time, for it did not begin as the 'Aristocratic. The 'Great National, the 'Grand Naval and Military, the 'Sports-man, the 'Talli-ho, the 'Out-and-Outer, the 'Swell, were all considered and canvassed, and its being called the 'Aristocratic' at length turned upon whether they got Lord Scamperdale to subscribe or not.

"If in the ordinary category of skittle sharper or thimblerigger," with a suspicion of mild scorn, "then I do not imagine your ladyship would find much attraction in the present cargo. But, on the other hand," in a livelier tone, "if your ladyship has any curiosity, or shall we say, a psychological bent, regarding the real out-and-outer, the excursion should be to your liking.

"I'll make 'is fur fly," she up and sez, sez she, when she heard as you was hout. Not a nice young lady for a small tea-party, sir, he added, lowering his voice; 'a regular out-and-outer your sister is, to be sure. The Sphynx, in spite of his stolidity, occasionally ventured upon some slight liberty when addressing me.

Dodge, I suppose you know, has been a passenger with me once or twice?" "I have heard as much they say he was tigerish in the fight with the niggers quite an out-and-outer." "Ay, I hear he tells some such story himself; but harkee, commodore, I wish to do justice to all men, and I find there is very little of it inland, hereaway.