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Master Clive was pronounced an 'out-and-outer, a 'swell and no mistake, and complimented with scarce one dissentient voice by the simple academy at Gandish's. Besides, he drew very well. There could be no doubt about that. Caricatures of the students of course were passing constantly among them, and in revenge for one which a huge red-haired Scotch student, Mr.

You can't come over me with such rubbish." "Gobinet's right! the Queen was an out-and-outer tonight!" "In prime feather!" "I never saw her more on the go!" "And, my eyes! wasn't her dress stunning?" "Took your breath away!" "Crushing!" "Heavy!" "Im-mense!" "The last kick!" "No one but she can get up such dresses." "And, then, the dance!" "Oh, yes! it was at once bounding waving, twisting!

I've tried," he continued with growing passion, "to drive it all out of my head by sheer deviltry and wickedness; I've done worse things than e'er another man on this here island, hain't I, mates?" to his fellow-oarsmen. "Ay ay, Bill, you have." "You're a reg'lar devil sometimes." "A real out-and-outer, and no mistake," were the confirmatory replies.

"If she is a bad woman, she's an out-and-outer; for she looks one in the face, with those superb black eyes of hers, as bright and clear as the image of truth itself. She must be good and true. She must! And yet that night's absence, and that story about Yarborough Tower that seems too much for anybody on earth to believe." For nearly three years Thomas Milsom had been far away from London.

He's the right kind of bad, and he's getting ready to grow into a great, big, straight out-and-outer, with a mind like lightning and a heart like one of the sons of God. But that kind is always the worst risk. He has the weapons to get him through the fight with splendor, only they're every one two-edged, and you have to be careful with swords that cut both ways.

"Well," said he at last, "some people don't believe in sperits. Now I do. I believe that a sperit has brought you and me together again. You've told me a good deal. Now, I'll tell you something. Clayton's an out-and-outer." "He's a mysterious and unintelligible being," I exclaimed. "Yes," answered Thompson, "you were always fond of them fine words. P'raps you mean the same as me after all.

I have seen and known a many in my day, Signor Marchese, as you are well aware, sir; but such an one as that, such an out-and-outer, I never saw before."

Conversation being soon opened by some casual remark, the second out-and-outer confidentially informs the first, that he is one of the rough sort and hates that kind of thing, only he couldn’t very well be off coming; to which the other replies, that that’s just his case‘and I’ll tell you what,’ continues the out-and-outer in a whisper, ‘I should like a glass of warm brandy and water just now,’—‘Or a pint of stout and a pipe,’ suggests the other out-and-outer.

There I fell in with Betsy, and as she proved a regular out-and-outer, I spliced her; and a famous wedding we had of it, as long as the rhino lasted; but that wasn't long, the more's the pity; so I went to sea for more. When I came back after my trip, I found that Bet hadn't behaved quite so well as she might have done, so I cut my stick, and went away from her altogether.

Pickwick was arrested for the non-payment of costs and damages and taken to the Fleet Prison. And so, for the first time in his life, Mr. Pickwick found himself within the walls of a debtor's prison. "Where am I to sleep to-night?" inquired Mr. Pickwick of the turnkey, and after some discussion it was discovered there was a bed to let. "It ain't a large 'un, but it's an out-and-outer to sleep in.