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Updated: August 3, 2024

Anyway, you 'ain't yet told us his name, and how kin any little shaver walk which ain't got a name?" Jim took the mere little toy of a man again in his arms and held him close against his heart. "He 'ain't really got any name," he confessed. "If only I had the poetic vocabulary I'd give him a high-class out-and-outer."

Smivvle; "yes, sir, regular out-and-outer, a Bang up! by heaven, a Blood, sir! a Tippy! a Go! a regular Dash! High, sir, high, damned high, like my friend Barrymaine, indeed, you may have remarked a similarity between 'em, sir?" "You forget, I have never met your friend," said Barnabas. "Ah, to be sure, a great pity!

The entertainment was continued almost till breakfast time; and, by way of a final treat, they gave my master information of a foreign bravo, an out-and-outer, just arrived in the city. In all probability he was an abler blade than themselves, and they denounced him from envy.

And meanwhile I can't take any bail for your appearance." Well then, what I say now is, that I CAN give a satisfactory account of myself; I can hand in the card of my establishment and say, "I am the Wackford Squeers as is therein named, sir. I am the man as is guaranteed, by unimpeachable references, to be a out-and-outer in morals and uprightness of principle.

"So you are, Sling," murmured the Corinthian, surveying Barnabas with an approving eye, "dev'lish dashing fellow, an 'out-and-outer' with the 'ribbons' fiddle it with any one, by George, but no good with your mauleys, damme if you are! Besides, there's your knee, you know don't forget your knee " "Curse my knee!" "Certainly, dear fellow, but "

You can't come over me with such rubbish." "Gobinet's right! the Queen was an out-and-outer tonight!" "In prime feather!" "I never saw her more on the go!" "And, my eyes! wasn't her dress stunning?" "Took your breath away!" "Crushing!" "Heavy!" "Im-mense!" "The last kick!" "No one but she can get up such dresses." "And, then, the dance!" "Oh, yes! it was at once bounding waving, twisting!

Roker had so flatteringly described as an out-and-outer to sleep in. 'That's it, replied Mr. Roker, pointing to a very rusty one in a corner. 'It would make any one go to sleep, that bedstead would, whether they wanted to or not. 'I should think, said Sam, eyeing the piece of furniture in question with a look of excessive disgust 'I should think poppies was nothing to it.

The discovery is at once made that they are sympathetic souls; each of them says at the same moment, that he sees the other understands what’s what: and they become fast friends at once, more especially when it appears, that the second out-and-outer is no other than a gentleman, long favourably known to his familiars as ‘Mr.

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