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"And did you kill it?" "I did, for they're a nuisance. The place is fair snied wi' 'em." "An' what do they live on?" "The corn as the 'osses drops an' they'll get in your pocket an' eat your snap, if you'll let 'em no matter where yo' hing your coat the slivin', nibblin' little nuisances, for they are." These happy evenings could not take place unless Morel had some job to do.

I took the 'int, and heat away like a regular bagman, who can always dispatch his ducks and green peas in ten minutes. We started again, and about one hundred yards below the pike stood a lad with a pair of leaders to clap on, for the road, as I said before, was werry woolley. "Now, you see, Mr. Jorrocks," said Sir Wincent, "I do old Pikey by having my 'osses on this side.

But Dick inclined to the belief that her genius was dramatic rather than narrative, and to bring the autobiography to an end, he asked her how she had come to be the Mother Superior of the Yarmouth Convent. 'If I can only get her to cut the cackle and get to the 'osses, he said to himself, but this was not easy to do. Mrs.

Wrenn as a housewife does a cockroach in the salad-bowl. Mr. Wrenn was bored. This seemed a very poor sort of man; a bloated Cockney, with a dirty neck-cloth, vile cuffs of grayish black, and a waistcoat cut foolishly high. "The owner said I could sleep here," he snapped. "Ow. 'E did, did 'e? 'E ayn't been giving you any of the perishin' 'osses, too, 'as 'e?"

"A man what's attended a Duke's 'osses ever since he was a shaver, to be put aside for that workhus blackguard! A 'oss had a cold it's Rake what's to cure him. A 'oss is entered for a race it's Rake what's to order his morning gallops, and his go-downs o' water.

I don't MAKE 'osses and chaises I 'IRE 'em. You might be God Almighty! said he; and instantly, as if he had observed me for the first time, he broke off, and lowered his voice into the confidential. 'Why, now that I see you are a gentleman, said he, 'I'll tell you what! If you like to BUY, I have the article to fit you. Second-'and shay by Lycett, of London. Latest style; good as new.

I was to say this 'oss must leave our place this morning or there'll be trouble." "There seems to have been trouble already," Bunny replied. "'E's done enough damage for twenty 'osses. Kick, you should see 'im; 'e's kicked a loose box silly. Our Guv'nor's fairly got 'is rag out." "He must wait until I've finished breakfast. You'd better have a cigarette, Sam."

And he added to himself, as Nicholas moved away, "Ey'st tak care Tum Lomax gies an egg to Merlin, an that'll may aw fair, if they chance to try their osses' mettle."

For instance, I have a slight acquaintance with Thomas Spavin, who commonly wears an air of injured innocence, and is groom to Mr. Joseph Green, of Our Street. "I tell why the brougham 'oss is out of condition, and why Desperation broke out all in a lather! 'Osses will, this 'eavy weather; and Desperation was always the most mystest hoss I ever see. I take him out with Mr.

Peter was about sick of the suburbs, and thought, of course, that he couldn't be worse off than where he was. 'Here's Mr. Sponge wants some osses, observed Mr.