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"He's dead, just as I say," Lopez stated. "Pedro never misses." As though he had heard his name spoken, the ubiquitous Pedro ambled in, slowly, and with a bored expression upon his ugly countenance. "Azcooze, my general," he said. His chief turned. "It is ze damn ranger. Zey is after us some more." Lopez never turned a hair. Lucia heard him say: "It is time. I was agspectin' zem. Ze 'osses?"

Raffles Haw has done this out of kindness to me," she said, sweeping towards the door. "I look upon it as a great attention on his part. I shall certainly go out and look at it." "If you please, sir," said the carman, reappearing at the door, "it's all as we can do to 'old in the 'osses." "Let us all go out together then," suggested Robert.

Their arrival at the "Elephant and Castle" was a signal for a general muster of the fraternity, who, seeing the guns, were convinced that their journey was only what they call "a few miles down the road," and they were speedily surrounded by twenty or thirty of them, all with "excellent 'osses, vot vould take their honours fourteen miles an hour."

Gom, if I wudna pinch fifty 'osses to be fetched out o' clink by such a bonny lady, begging your ladyship's pardon." "She shall fetch you out," said I sourly, "when you're jailed for not stealing." "His honour's commands are a law unto his handmaiden," said Margaret demurely and icily, addressing him, but aiming point-blank at me.

And I suppose I betrayed in my manner the degree in which the bargain tempted me. "Come," cried the postmaster "I'll make it seventy, to oblige a friend!" "The point is: the horses," said I. "Well," said he, consulting his watch, "it's now gone the 'alf after eight. What time do you want her at the door?" "Horses and all?" said I. "'Osses and all!" says he. "One good turn deserves another.

And here, Bill you run back, shut the door, and don't let nobody know the 'osses are out till the morning. Then look like a muff as you are, and say nothing!" The stable-boy stared, nodded assent, and sloped off. Rake threw himself across the brown mare. "Now, sir! a steeple-chase for our lives!

Hungry as I was, I made my way first of all to the postmaster, where he stood a big, athletic, horsey-looking man, blowing into a key in the corner of the yard. On my making my modest request, he awoke from his indifference into what seemed passion. 'A po'-shay and 'osses! he cried. 'Do I look as if I 'ad a po'- shay and 'osses? Damn me, if I 'ave such a thing on the premises.

I met him as I com'd in with the osses, and said he to me, said he, "You'll find captle quarters at the Crown!" 'The deuce! exclaimed Mr. Sponge, dropping the reins on his hack's neck; 'the deuce! repeated he with a look of disgust. 'Why, where does he live? above a very meagrely stocked shop. 'The devil! replied Mr. Sponge, boiling up as he eyed the cottage-like dimensions of the place.

It's been a cruel job, sir, for our arms is pulled clean out of the sockets a-'olding in of the 'osses." "What a dear, sweet creature it is," cried Laura. "How sleek and how graceful! I cannot understand how people could be afraid of anything so beautiful."

There's Firetail got a queerish look them Northamptonshire 'osses is mostly unsound ones and the mare's off leg's filled; and the Vampire 'oss, he's got a bit of a splent a-comin', but I'll soon frighten that away; an' old Dandybrush, he's awful, but not wuss nor I counted; and the young un " "I'll look 'em over," said Dick, interrupting what threatened to be a long catalogue.