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One o' them beastly secret-drinkin' swine wots never suspected till they falls down 'owlin' blue 'orrors an' seem' pink toadses. Leastways it's snakes you sees. See 'em oncte too orfen, you will.... See 'em on p'rade one day in front o' the Colonel. Fall orf yer long-face an get trampled an' serve yer glad.... An' now shut yer silly 'ed an' don't chew the mop so much. Let me get some sleep.

She and me used to go to them kind of places when we was courting if the weather was bad." "But our museum's the one that would interest Miss Daisy," broke in Chandler eagerly. "It's a regular Chamber of 'Orrors!" "Why, Joe, you never told us about that place before," said Bunting excitedly. "D'you really mean that there's a museum where they keeps all sorts of things connected with crimes?

"That's just how he've been goin' on for the last half-'our," explained Tom; "talkin' about `murder' and `hangin', and being left to burn in the ship; it's enough to give one the 'orrors to listen to him."

Them's the sort o' papers we gets, or rather the 'Mother Huff' takes 'em all in for us, an' the 'ole village drinks the 'orrors an' the medicines in with the ale. Ah! It's mighty edifyin', Passon, I do assure ye and many of us goes to church on Sundays and reads the 'orrors an' medicines in the arternoon, and whether we remembers your sermon or the 'orrors an' medicines most, the Lord only knows!

I enjoyed the Refreshmenting business more than ever, and was so glad I had took to it when young. Our Missis returned. It got circulated among the young ladies, and it as it might be penetrated to me through the crevices of the Bandolining Room, that she had Orrors to reveal, if revelations so contemptible could be dignified with the name. Agitation become awakened.

That thing guv my lily-queen the 'orrors. Jes you 'ear, Mr. Beecot, and creeps will go up your back. Lor' 'ave mercy on us as don't know the wickedness of the world." "I think we have learned something of it lately, Mrs. Tawsey," was Paul's grim reply. "But tell me " "Wot my pore angel sunbeam said? I will, and if it gives you nightmares don't blame me," and Mrs.

"Serve 'er right," rejoined Deborah, heartlessly. "What kin you expect fur good folk if wicked ones, as go strangulating people, don't git the Lord down on 'em. Oh, Mr. Beecot," Deborah broke down into noisy tears, "the 'orrors that my lovely one 'ave tole me. I tried to stop her, but she would tork, and was what you might call delirous-like. Sich murders and gory assassins as wos never 'eard of."

"'E ain't coddin'. See 'ow black they're lookin'." "I see 'em, plyne enough. Waxworks only fit for the Chamber of 'Orrors, ain't 'em?" "It's a young woman wot arsks you to go, not a bloke! Please! For my syke, if you won't for your own!" Billy Keyse, with a flourish, offered the thin, boyish arm in the tweed sleeve. "Righto! Will you allow me, Miss?" She faltered: "I I can't, deer.

"It's the jumps, Bill," gasped the other, "the 'orrors they've got me and no mistake. As I'm a livin' man, as I was a shovin' of that there truck, I saw a imp a gashly imp, Bill, stick its hugly 'ed over the side and say, 'Tommy, it ses, jest like that it ses, 'Tommy, I wants you! I dursn't go near it, Bill. I'll get leave, and go 'ome and lay up it glared at me so 'orrid, Bill, and grinned ugh!

She smiled again; tripped towards Mr. Marrapit's door. Mr. Fletcher stayed George, following. "Mr. George, did you shut up secure behind Miss Margaret?" George reassured him; questioned his earnestness. Mr. Fletcher pointed through a window that gave upon the garden. "I've the 'orrors on me to-night," he said. "According to Master there's rapine lurking in them bushes. Mr.