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Many of the rioters made belts of cord, of handkerchiefs, or any material they found at hand, and wore these weapons as openly as pioneers upon a field-day. There was not the least disguise or concealment indeed, on this night, very little excitement or hurry.

The prisoner "was found so clear from all manner of infamous slanders and suspicions, that all the people before the said bishop, shouting in judgment as with one voice, openly witnessed his good name and fame, to the great reproof and shame of the said bishop, if he had not been ashamed to be ashamed." The case had broken down; the proceedings were over, and by law the accused person was free.

So she had her first taste of a kind of wormwood that is very common in the world though it did not grow in Coniston. For a while after Cynthia's introduction to the school she was calmly ignored by many of the young ladies there, and once openly snubbed, to use the word in its most disagreeable sense. Not that she gave any of them any real cause to snub her.

But first she must have proof, and that should not be hard to obtain. There would be some sign when his name was spoken some intonation in the woman's voice, even if she did not speak openly, which would reveal her secret now that Philippa was ready to notice and to understand. The girl came at last to the turning which led to the little green, and then she saw Isabella approaching.

All the way down to St Kilda his reflections were of the same unpleasant nature, and he cast about in his own mind how he could get rid of this pertinacious friend. He could not turn him off openly, as Pierre might take offence, and as he knew more of M. Vandeloup's private life than that young gentleman cared about, it would not do to run the risk of an exposure.

He was going off, either to struggle through poverty to a fortune of his own making, or, giving himself up to his misfortune, to remain all his life in want and misery; or, perhaps Abbie did not openly admit this alternative, but still, knowing what she thought she did of his nature and the circumstances, the suspicion had existence perhaps, in conjunction with a certain evil-disposed person in New York, he contemplated fraudulently absconding.

To the very last he discouraged, and indeed openly expressed his disapproval and dislike of the presumably inspired announcements of authors' names in the 'Athenaeum' or other journals.

So saying, he made Barker pick up the cap, and, turning away, walked home with Eric leaning on his arm. Barker, too, carried himself off with the best grace be could; but it certainly didn't mend matters when he heard numbers of fellows, even little boys, say openly, "I'm so glad; serves you right." From that day Eric was never troubled with personal violence from Barker or any other boy.

It was, however, not possible altogether to suppress apprehension of the excesses to which the excitement prevailing in that quarter might lead, but it certainly was not foreseen that the meditated obstruction to the laws would so soon openly assume its present character.

"Johnny-boy," she said at last, "what is it that comes like a fog between you and me?" MacRae did not answer. "I make love to you quite openly," Betty went on. "And I don't seem to be the least bit ashamed of doing so. I'm not a silly kid. I'm nearly as old as you are, and I know quite well what I want which happens to be you. I love you, Silent John. The man is supposed to be the pursuer.